Hsiung Feng IIE

Hsiung Feng IIE

The Hsiung Feng IIE (HF-2E) (雄風二E, "Brave Wind IIE") is a surface-to-surface cruise missile system developed by the Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology in Taiwan and based upon the earlier HF-2 anti-ship missile.


The project was first announced in 2001. Following several test firings in 2004 and early 2005, mass production of the HF-2E is speculated to begin by the end of 2005.

On 10 January, 2006, Jane's Defense Weekly reported that Taiwan has built three prototypes of the HF-2E, and plans to build up to 50 of the missiles by 2010, and up to 500 missiles after 2010. Jane's also claimed that the 1000km range could only be reached with special engine technology from the US, but that would not be provided because of US concerns about the Missile Technology Control Regime.

On 6 July 2006, Reuters reported that Taiwan is planning to test-fire the "Hsiung Feng III" with range of 600 km, and accuracy within a meter. The news was initially reported by ETTV, a cable news network. It's likely that the missile is actually Hsiung Feng IIE, but the accuracy may be slightly exaggerated.

General characteristics

* Primary Function: Land attack cruise missile
* Power Plant: Solid propellant booster, turbojet in-flight
* Range: 600 km (eventual goal of 1000 km with new turbo fan engine)
* Top Speed: 0.85 Mach
* Guidance: INS and commercial GPS with in-flight waypoints and corrected by digital maps/terrain recognition.
* Precision: Within 12 m
* Warhead: 200 kg
* Date deployed: Unknown - approved for official low rate production as of 1/2008

ee also

*Hsiung Feng I
*Hsiung Feng II
*Hsiung Feng III

External references

* [http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT1/2767088.shtml UDN article on final development stages]

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