

Parcham ( _fa. پرچم, meaning "Banner" or "Flag") was the name of one of the factions of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan. The Parcham faction seized power in the country after toppling Hafizullah Amin.

The basic ideology of the Parchamis was one of a gradual move towards socialism in Afghanistan. The Parcham faction supported this idea because they felt that Afghanistan was not industrialized enough to undergo a true proletarian revolution called for in the Communist Manifesto. Opposed to the moderate Parchamis were the more radical Khalq faction. The Khalq (meaning "People") took a more traditional view of Marxist/Leninist theory, and advocated an immediate and violent overthrow of the government and an establishment of a Soviet-style communist regime.

In 1992 the Parcham-led PDPA converted itself into Watan Party.


* ARNOLD, ANTHONY Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism: Parcham and Khalq (Histories of Ruling Communist Parties) Hoover Institution / Stanford University. 1983. (ISBN 0817977929)

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