Lance Workman

Lance Workman

Lance Workman is a senior lecturer and subject leader for psychology at Bath Spa University. His teaching specialisms include biological psychology, clinical psychology and evolutionary psychology.

He received an undergraduate degree in psychology and biology from Keele University and his doctorate from the University of Sussex.

His and Will Reader's book "Evolutionary Psychology: An Introduction", has been published through the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and Europe including a French Edition.

Research includes his finding that British robins have regional dialects, a number of research articles on Seasonal Affective Disorder and various works on the cerebral lateralisation of emotion.

He is consultant editor for the journal 'Animal Behaviour' and is on the the editorial board for 'The Psychologist'.


Workman, L. and Reader, W. (2004) "Evolutionary Psychology: An Introduction". Cambridge University Press.

External links

* [ Dr Lance Workman]
* [ "The Sun" Article]

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