

A autochthonous white wine grape that is primarily grown on the island of Korčula, Croatia. The primary growing regions are in Čara and Smokvica, which are two cities on the island. While Korčula can produce reds (primarily Plavac Mali where is it produced) the main focus of the entire island is on this grape. This is due to the fact that the then Communist government of Yugoslavia decided that the region was best suited for Pošip and focused production in that direction in the mid 20th century.

Pošip is light, around 12-13% in alcohol and usually drank at 14C. It is a natural companion for fish dishes as well as pršut and the light-bodied cheeses that Croatia produces. The wine is additionally exported out of the country, but in small amounts as compared to what is available domestically, it relatively unknown outside the country.

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