Eva Volitzer

Eva Volitzer

Eva Volitzer is a Bulgarian actress, singer and director. She has performed more than 50 roles in numerous Bulgarian theatres such as the Russe Drama Theatre, Sofia Itinerant Theatre, “Salza i Smyah” Theatre, etc. as well as internationally in Tel Aviv, Vienna, Riga, etc.

She has also appeared in feature films, mostly in Bulgaria [ [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1387889/ Eva Volitzer ] ] .

She graduated from The National Academy of Theatrical and Film Art “Krustyo Sarafov” with MA degree in acting.

She is an Associate Professor of acting in New Bulgarian University, Sofia.

She has produced numerous performances with youth dramatical studios and university students, and some of the productions have been presented in Switzerland, France, Austria, etc.

Eva Volitzer was a Fulbright scholar in New York, USA, in 2002-2003 where she taught acting in Pace University, New York. [ [http://www.alfaart.org/exhibitions_events_evolitzer.html Alfa Art Gallery - Exhibitions / Events - Eva Volitzer ] ] .

In 1996 she published an album with 22 ancient Jewish songs in Ladino, which has been selling internationally. [ [http://www.amazon.com/Jewish-Sephardic-Songs-Ladino-Volitzer/dp/B000001IK7 Amazon.com: Jewish Sephardic Songs in Ladino: Eva Volitzer: Music ] ]

Volitzer is the founder and director of the Independent “Gallery” Theater in Bulgaria. She is also an artistic director of the Jewish Keshet Theater in Sofia, Bulgaria [ [http://www.jewish-theatre.com/visitor/article_display.aspx?articleID=2206 All About Jewish Theatre - Theatre in Spotlight : Keshet Jewish Theatre Sofia, Bulgaria Director Eva Volitzer ] ] .


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