Yakup Kulmiy

Yakup Kulmiy

Yakup Kulmiy (7 September 1918, village of Kanakbaevo, Bashkortostan - 11 October 1994, village of Kanakbaevo) was a Bashkir poet working under the pen name of Yakup Khairullovich Kilmukhametov.

He is he author of more than 20 books of poems:“Selected works” (1968), “The beauty of soul” (1971), “The sun of soul” (1990), “Lyrics” (1993) and others; and popular songs: “MY motherland”, “MY Urals”, “A nightingale” and other.

Being a participant of the Great Patriotic War, he was awarded Order of the Patriotic War 2st class and medals.

External links

* [http://www.bashedu.ru/konkurs/baimov/bpe/bpe090.html Biography]

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