

Infobox Saint
name= Saint Rhipsime
death_date=c. 290
feast_day= September 29 (Roman Catholic Church)
September 30 (Roman Catholic Church)
June 4 (Armenian Apostolic Church)
venerated_in= Roman Catholic Church
Orthodox Church in America
Armenian Apostolic Church

caption=Tombstone of Saint Hripsime
birth_place= Rome
death_place= Valarshapat
major_shrine= St. Hripsime Church, Echmiadzin

Rhipsime, sometimes called Hripsime or Ripsime (died c. 290) [Other sources, such as [http://www.advantour.com/armenia/armavir/ripsime.htm this one] , suggest a date at the start of the fourth century.] was an Armenian virgin and martyr of Roman origin. She, along with her companions in martyrdom, is venerated as the first martyr in Armenian history. [http://catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=4595 St. Rhipsime - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online ] ]

According to legend, Rhipsime was possibly of noble birth. [http://www.tonyfinlay.co.uk/FemaleMartyrsChapter2.htm Female Martrys. Martyrs, female martyrs, Christian martyrs, early martyrs, first martyrs, persecutions of the early Christians, Christian persecution, early Christian martyrs,... ] ] She belonged to a community of virgins, numbering 35 [http://www.oca.org/FSLivesAllSaintsPrint.asp?M=9&D=30 OCA - Lives of all saints commemorated on this day ] ] and under the leadership of Gaiana, in Rome; she was known to be extremely beautiful, and attracted the notice of Diocletian. To avoid his advances she, along with her community, fled the city, going first to Alexandria before settling in Valarshapat. The varying accounts of her martyrdom diverge at this point. One story indicates that Rhipsime again was noticed for her beauty, this time by King Tiridates, who proceeded to pursue her. Upon being brought before him, she refused his advances and was punished by being roasted alive. Gaiana was then put to death by Armenian soldiers, as were all members of her community save one; this woman, Christiana, later became a missionary in Georgia.

Another version of the saint's Acts indicates that, upon discovering Rhipsime's whereabouts, Diocletian sent a letter to Tiridates insisting that he either send her back or take her for himself. The king's servants found her among her companions, here described as nuns, and urged that she follow his wishes. She responded that she could not marry as she was betrothed to Jesus Christ, as were the others. At this, a voice from heaven was heard, saying, "Be brave and fear not, for I am with you". [http://www.antiochian.org/book/export/html/16739 St. Rhipsime of Armenia ] ] Upon this, Tiridates ordered that Rhipsime be tortured; her tongue was cut out, her stomach cut open, and she was blinded before being killed. Her body was then cut into pieces. Inspired by her example, Gaiana and two other nuns gave themselves over to similar treatment before being beheaded. The rest of the community was put to the sword, their bodies thrown to the beasts to be eaten. Supposedly, Tiridates and his soldiers were then punished by God for their actions; they were beset by devils, and began to act like wild animals, running through the forests, gnawing at themselves, and tearing their clothes. Still another account states that the king was turned into a wild boar for his actions, and had to be saved by the intervention of Gregory the Illuminator. [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07023a.htm CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Gregory the Illuminator ] ] These accounts are likely highly fictionalized; about the only thing certain about Rhipsime's story is that she and her companions were, in fact, martyred in Armenia in about 290.

A church dedicated to Rhipsime may still be seen in Echmiadzin; the current structure was consecrated in 618, and contains her tomb in the catacombs beneath the building. [http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Hripsime_Church Hripsime Cathedral - Armeniapedia.org ] ] According to legend, Christ designated the spot for the shrine by descending from heaven in a shaft of light and smiting the ground with a golden hammer until the earth shook. [http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Gregory_The_Illuminator Gregory The Illuminator - LoveToKnow 1911 ] ] Some of the saint's relics, along with items relating to Tiridates and Gregory the Illuminator, were pillaged by Persians during an invasion in 1604, but were restored in 1638. [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05571a.htm CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Etschmiadzin ] ] In the Catholic tradition, Rhipsime and her companions are commemorated with a feast day of September 29; the Orthodox Church in America commemorates them on September 30. The Armenian Apostolic Church remembers Rhipsime and her companions on June 4; Gaiana and her companions are commemmorated separately, on June 5. [http://www.saintsarkis.org/church_calendar.htm Church Calendar ] ]

In honor of the saint, Hripisme remains a fairly common name in Armenia, as do its variants.

Notes and references

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