Darwi Odrade

Darwi Odrade

Reverend Mother Darwi Odrade, also known as Odrade or Dar is a fictional character in the "Dune" universe created by Frank Herbert. She is a significant character in both "Heretics of Dune" and "Chapterhouse Dune".


Odrade is an elite Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother. The name "Odrade" is derived from the Atreides, whose bloodline she possesses thanks to the Bene Gesserit breeding program. Though trained by the Bene Gesserit from a young age, in "Heretics of Dune" it is revealed that for the first few years of her life she was raised in secret on the seacoast of Gammu by a couple she called "Mama Sibia and Papa." Odrade recalls this childhood fondly and treasures the lessons of love learned there, which she must keep forever secret from the Bene Gesserit, a "society where any form of love was suspect." Odrade refers to herself in these days before the Sisterhood as "Sea Child", an image that appears in many of her visions and embodies her Atreides "wild talents," which the Bene Gesserit have long tried to suppress.

"Heretics of Dune"

The "wild talents" of Atreides bloodline that Odrade displays intermittently are what the Bene Gesserit both fear and desperately need. The suspicious — mainly Bellonda — scrutinize her continually, looking for reasons to terminate her, while Mother Superior Taraza senses that the Sisterhood needs Odrade's limited Atreides prescience to avert imminent destruction at the hands of the Honored Matres:

Taraza did not like calling up this talent in Odrade. The younger woman possessed a prescient instinct for detecting threats to the Sisterhood. It came from the wild influence in her genetic line, of course — the Atreides with their dangerous talents. There was a special mark on Odrade's breeding file: "Careful examination of all offspring." Two of those offspring had been quietly put to death. ("Heretics of Dune")

An anonymous document surfaces, referred to as the Atreides Manifesto, that attacks all religions in the Known Universe except for that of the Bene Tleilax. This creates a furor with the intensely religious Tleilaxu, who have long nursed dreams of hegemony, dominating the universe with their religion. The Tleilaxu council decides to treat the Manifesto as a gift from God, and they spread it far and wide. It is later revealed that the Manifesto was written by Odrade.

When Taraza is killed after a showdown on Arrakis, Odrade becomes Mother Superior.

"Chapterhouse Dune"

Odrade tours Chapterhouse with Tamalane to visit and to consider a promotion for Sheeana, and check the progress of the planet's conversion to desert.

Odrade is accompanied by Tamalane, Dortujla and the acolyte Suipol to meet the Great Honored Matre Dama on Junction, as Miles Teg leads a force to attack Gammu. With Gammu about to fall, the Honored Matres activate their "weapon of last resort", turning victory into defeat and holding Odrade captive. Tamalane, Dortujla and Suipol are killed. As planned with Odrade previously, Murbella travels to Junction alone, pretending to have escaped the Bene Gesserit with their unique abilities and the location of Chapterhouse. Murbella is brought before the new Great Honored Matre Logno, who has Odrade standing nearby unrestrained in a gesture of contempt. Murbella provokes and kills Logno, while simultaneously the Honored Matre Elpek kills Odrade. With both of their deaths, Murbella becomes the new Mother Superior as well as Great Honored Matre, fulfilling Odrade's intentions.

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