Terrorism Suppression Act 2002

Terrorism Suppression Act 2002

Infobox NZ Legislation
short_title =Terrorism Suppression Act 2002
long_title = The purpose of this Act is—

(a) to make further provision in New Zealand law for the suppression of terrorism; and

(b) to make provision to implement in New Zealand law New Zealand's obligations under—

(i) the Bombings Convention; and

(ii) the Financing Convention; and

(iii) the Anti-terrorism Resolution; and

(iv) the Nuclear Material Convention; and

(v) the Plastic Explosives Convention; and

(vi) the Nuclear Terrorism Convention; and

(c) to make further provision to implement, in part, the Al-Qaida and the Taliban Sanctions Resolutions. [ The [http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2007/0102/latest/DLM1034398.html?search=ts_all%40act%40bill%40regulation_terrorism Terrorism Suppression Amendment Act 2007] substituted "The purpose of this Act is—(a) to make further provision in New Zealand law for the suppression of terrorism; and(b) to make provision to implement in New Zealand law New Zealand's obligations under—(i) the Bombings Convention; and(ii) the Financing Convention; and(iii) the Anti-terrorism Resolution; and(iv) the Nuclear Material Convention; and(v) the Plastic Explosives Convention; and(vi) the Nuclear Terrorism Convention; and(c) to make further provision to implement, in part, the Al-Qaida and the Taliban Sanctions Resolutions." on 20 November 2007]
introduced_by =
date_passed =

royal_assent = 17 October 2002
commencement =
amendments =
related_legislation =

The Terrorism Suppression Act 2002 is a piece of anti-terrorism legislation from New Zealand.


External links

* [http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2002/0034/latest/096be8ed80149b73.pdf PDF of the Act]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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