- Babak Dehghanpisheh
Babak Dehghanpisheh is "
Newsweek " magazine'sBaghdad Bureau Chief. He has been coveringIraq regularly for the past five years. During that time, Dehghanpisheh reported on events ranging fromSaddam Hussein 's capture to the rise ofShiite clerics and Iraq's first elections. He was embedded with one of the first Marine units that invadedFalluja in late 2004 and was also one of the fewjournalist s who got insideAbu Ghraib prison shortly after the scandal broke.Before going to Iraq, Dehghanpisheh reported extensively on America's war on terror. He was one block away from the north tower of the
World Trade Center when it collapsed and was dispatched toAfghanistan a few weeks later. He spent the next year reporting from Afghanistan andPakistan , tracing the steps ofAl Qaeda fighters inTora Bora and following the development of the new Afghan government. In the past six years, Dehghanpisheh has frequently reported fromIran and he co-authored a cover-length profile of Iranian presidentMahmoud Ahmadinejad . Dehghanpisheh has also reported fromSyria ,Egypt ,Jordan andLebanon , where he filed from the frontlines with Hizbullah guerrillas during the war with Israel in summer 2006.Dehghanpisheh, born on January 2, 1972, has won numerous awards for his reportage.
In 2003 finalist for the
Livingston Award for Young Journalists for his Iraq coverage.In the fall of 2002, Dehghanpisheh was the lead reporter for "The War Crimes of Afghanistan," which won a
National Headliner Award and was a finalist for theNational Magazine Award for public service.Dehghanpisheh also won the
Society of Publishers in Asia's Young Journalist Award in 2003 for his Afghanistan coverage.Dehghanpisheh first worked for Newsweek as a
freelancer in theJohannesburg bureau of the magazine. He returned to Newsweek as an intern in theNew York bureau in the summer of 2001. Since then, he has worked on more than 25 Newsweek cover stories. Dehghanpisheh also contributed to the war coverage which garnered Newsweek a 2004 National Magazine Award for General Excellence. He has appeared regularly onCNN ,MSNBC ,FOX andNPR .Dehghanpisheh, born to an Iranian father and American mother, has a
B.S. in business and anM.M.C. in journalism fromArizona State University . He has been awarded aKnight Fellowship atStanford University for the year 2008-2009.
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