Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Stare (Slovakia)
Kostol Stare2.png

The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is in Staré, Slovakia.

The parish was established in 13th century. The first written account is from 1332 - 37. In 1335 village consisted of Horné Staré and Kostolné Staré with St. Anne church. Later was church devoted to the translation of the Virgin Mary, Saint Anne and Saint Stanislav, who was bishop and martyr. This church had a choir, a sacristy and a tower with two bells. The parish lapsed in late 17th century and was renewed in 1721.

The current building was built between 1811 and 1842 in the classical style. Whilst the new church was being constructed services were held in part of lord's granary near to which stood a bell-tower.

This monumental church dominates its surroundings and is characterised by its beautiful architecture and interior. It's a single-aisle building with segmental closure of the presbytery. The ground-plan is longitudinal with sanctuary with gently curved five-flanks closure to which adjoin two aisle sacristies. The main face of building with built in tower is divided to four pilasters. On the top is massive cross. In the middle of frontal face of building is the main portal „DEO UNI ET TRINO” which means „To triunity God”. On either side of the main gate in masonry are big sculpture of St. Cyril and St. Metod.


  • On the left – St. Dominik Sávio & St. Maria Goretti, St. Peter & St. Pavol, St. Monica & St. Susan
  • On the right – St. John the Baptist & St. Joseph, St. Cyril & St. Metod, St. Michael


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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