- Euglossa
image_caption = male "Euglossa" sp.
image_width = 240px
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropoda
classis =Insecta
ordo =Hymenoptera
familia =Apidae
subfamilia =Apinae
tribus =Euglossini
genus = "Euglossa"
genus_authority = Latreille, 1802
diversity_link = Euglossa
diversity = > 110 species
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =see text
synonyms ="Euglossa" is a
genus of euglossinebee s. Like allorchid bee s, they are restricted to theNeotropics , though one species ("Euglossa viridissima ") has become established in theUnited States (Florida ).They are typically bright metallic blue, green, coppery, or golden.
Euglossa intersecta " (formerly known as "E. brullei") is morphologically and chromatically atypical for the genus, and resembles the related "Eufriesea " in a number of characters including coloration [Williams & Whitten 1983: 387] .Distribution
"Euglossa" occurs naturally from
Mexico toParaguay , northernArgentina andJamaica [dos Anjos-Silva 2006] , but one species has recently been introduced to the United States [http://www.fcla.edu/FlaEnt/fe88p225.pdf] .pecies
* (1983): Orchid floral fragrances and male euglossine bees: methods and advances in the last sesquidecade. "Biol. Bull." 164: 355-395.
* (2006): Occurrence of "Aglae caerulea" Lepeletier & Serville (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossini) in the Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. "Neotrop. Entomol." 35(6) doi|10.1590/S1519-566X2006000600024
*Further reading
* (1989): "Ecology and natural history of tropical bees". New York: Cambridge Univ. Press.
* (2004): Phylogeny and Biology of Neotropical Orchid Bees (Euglossini). "Annual Review of Entomology" 49: 377-404. doi|10.1146/annurev.ento.49.072103.115855External links
* David Roubik (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute): [http://pick5.pick.uga.edu/mp/20q?search=Euglossa Diagnostic photographs of several "Euglossa" species]
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