

Caloe is a Catholic titular see. Located in Asia Minor, the original see is mentioned as Kaloe, and Keloue in inscriptions of the third century, Kalose in Hierocles's "Synecdemos" (660); as Kalloe, Kaloe, and Kolone in Parthey's "Notitiæ episcopatuum", where it figures from the sixth to the twelfth or thirteenth century.

Caloe is identified with the modern Kilis, Keles, Kelas, to the southwest of Alaşehir (ancient Philadelphia), western Turkey. It isn in the upper valley of the Kutchuk-Mendérès (Caÿstrus).

There was in Lydia a Lake Koloe, near which the tombs of Lydian kings and the temple of Artemis Koloene stood. According to Lequien, the titular see took its name from this locality; but his view is inconsistent with the position assigned to Caloe by the "Notitiæ episcopatuum" as a suffragan see of Ephesus.

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* [ "Catholic Hierarchy" page]

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