Verband der Automobilindustrie

Verband der Automobilindustrie

The Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V., short VDA, is a German interest group of the German automobile industry, both automobile manufactures and automobile component suppliers. The group is located in Frankfurt, Germany. Current president since June 1, 2007 is the former federal minister of transport Matthias Wissmann.

The VDA is hosting the world's largest motor show, the biannual Internationale Automobilausstellung (IAA) in Frankfurt.

The VDA published a series of standards and recommendations. Among those is the German Quality Management System (QMS) for the automobile industry. The fourth edition was issued in December 1998, and became mandatory for all German car makers on April 1, 1999.

VDA was initiated by the automobile industry itself. The first VDA standard was for the exchange of surface models, and was named "VDA-FS". It has been superseded along the way, by a subset of the "Initial Graphics Exchange Specification" (IGES); referred to, simply, as "VDA". Aside from this exchange standard, VDA also developed "VDA-PS", a library standard for standard parts, now known as "DIN 66304".

VDA 6.1

Based on ISO 9001:1994, the quality management system includes all elements of QS-9000, with an additional four requirements specific to VDA 6.1 as follows:
* Element 06.3 on "Recognition of Product Risk": This the risk of the product, failing to fulfil its stipulated function, and its effect on the whole assembly.
* Element Z1.5 on "Employee Satisfaction": This covers the perception of the company employees, as well as their needs and expectations, that will be met through the company's quality system.
* Element 07.3 on "Quotation Structure": A customer or market is offered products for purchase or made available to own or to use.
* Element 12.4 on "Quality History": This section covers the quality history of customer-supplied products and gives an overview of the situation during a particular period.

The VDA standard is broken into two parts:
* Management
* Products and Processes. Any company seeking certification must achieve at least 90 percent compliance in a formal quality audit.

Sanctioned interpretations of VDA 6.1 are available, clarifying some of the elements, so as to assist companies and registrars to understand the requirements better. These interpretions can be found at There are also a number of other manuals, which must be read in conjunction with the VDA 6.1 manual, and is aimed at facilitating better understanding of what is required.

VDA: Voluntary Disclosure Agreement

A voluntary disclosure agreement (VDA) is a program whereby taxpayers can receive certain benefits from proactively disclosing prior period tax liabilities in accordance with a binding agreement.

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