Quatro por Quatro

Quatro por Quatro

"Quatro por Quatro" (Four for four) was a Brazilian produced telenovela, shown at seven o'clock PM on the Rede Globo. It began on 24 October 1994 and ended on 22 July 1995. It consists of 233 episodes. It was written by Carlos Lombardi and directed by Ricardo Waddington, Alexandre Avancini and Luiz Henrique Rios.


*A traffic accident makes the destination of four women if to cross. In the chain, the four stop a pact of revenge against the men trairam who them they had made and them to suffer. Auxiliadora always fought to make with that the Alcebíades husband prospered but, changed for a girl well younger, was banishes from its proper house. The shy Tatiana was abandoned in the marriage for the Fortunato fiancé. The Babalu hurricane caught mechanical Raí in the bed with another woman. Abigail, a psychologist "dondoca" that always it fought to keep the failed marriage, decides superficially to give to the return and if revolt against the Gustavo husband. Gustavo has the guard of Ângela, a girl who dreams to know the true father, Bruno. This delivered for Gustavo therefore its woman to it died in the childbirth, traumatizando it.


*Elizabeth Savalla - Auxiliadora Fontes
*Cristiana Oliveira - Tatiana
*Humberto Martins - Bruno Franco
*Letícia Spiller - Babalu (Barbarela Lourdes)
*Marcello Novaes - Raí
*Betty Lago - Abigail Rossini
*Marcos Paulo - Gustavo Rossini
*Tato Gabus Mendes - Alcebíades Fontes
*Diogo Vilela - Fortunato
*Tatyane Goulart - Ângela
*Helena Ranaldi - Mércia / Susana
*Lizandra Souto - Elisa Maria
*Kadu Moliterno - Samuel Spadafora/Samuca Espada
*Marcelo Faria - Ralado (Gustavo Rossini Júnior)
*Leonardo Vieira - Vinícius Loducca
*Bianca Byington - Elizabeth Franco
*Luana Piovani - Duda (Maria Eduarda Ferreira da Rocha)
*Marcelo Serrado - Danilo
*Paulo César Grande - Thiago
*Paulo Guarnieri - Átila Fontes
*Françoise Forton - Clarisse
*Rômulo Arantes - Pedrão
*Drica Moraes - Denise
*Bete Mendes - Dona Fátima
*Jorge Dória - Seu Santinho
*Oswaldo Loureiro - Olegário
*Tássia Camargo - Maria Bataglia
*Márcia Real - Isadora Franco
*Daniel Dantas - Celso Franco
*Nina de Pádua - Fabíola
*Geórgia Gomide - Laura
*Mário Lago - Henrique Pessoa
*Suely Franco - Calpúrnia Fontes
*Neuza Borges - Teresa
*Inês Galvão - Marta Rocha
*Henri Pagnoncelli - delegado Soares
*Íris Bustamante - Silvia
*Hugo Gross - Leandro
*Jorge Pontual - Gui
*Fabiana Ramos - Paula
*Karla Muga - Daniela
*Eduardo Caldas - Dinho
*Luciana Coutinho - Norma Shirley
*Alexandre Salcedo - Alexandre
*Alberto Baruque - Tufik
*Ana Maria Folly - Elzinha
*Luiza Curvo - Renata
*Ingrid Fridmann - Ju
*Fernanda Nobre - Lolô
*Nestor de Montemar - Carlos Magno


*Originally the novel if would pass in São Paulo, but urgency dislocated it to the stated period for Rio De Janeiro. Synopsis was requested to author when pantry finished it World cup, when the author thought that only he would write again, about March of 1995. Therefore, the tram was located in the quarters of the south to the north of the city of Rio De Janeiro.

*The personages of Elizabeth Savalla, Betty Lago, Cristiana Oliveira and Letícia Spiller had been created for Regina Duarte, Vera Fischer, Malu Mader and Adriana Esteves, who had refused, for diverse reasons.

*Prominence for Betty Lago, that shone with its Abigail, showing that she was an excellent actress and guaranteeing fine mood to history.

*Diogo Vilela soon abandons the tram at the beginning of the novel. With one of the defalcated main couples, the author of the novel invests in a new romantic pair. The unsafe Tati would have been gotten passionate for the Bruno doctor, in the adolescence, and would vote this love in the new phase of the life.

*Quatro por Quatro had general average of 55 points of ibope.


Prize With you! (1995)

* better actor - Humberto Martins
* better actress revelation - Letícia Spiller Trophy the Press (1994)

* revelation - Betty Lago

Extenas linkings

*The novel in Portugal [http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=0fLzQHwIGWw&feature=related]
*Impudent Abígail [http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=qu82NyWBxUI]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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