

A theatrical standee is a large self-standing display promoting a movie. They are typically made of cardboard, and may range from large self-standing posters to three-dimensional devices with moving parts and lights.

Standees are typically displayed in theater lobbies or music stores in advance of film or music releases.

The Standee was first developed by Danny Quinn as a marketing concept developed for the Australian video industry. Quinn developed this idea, not knowing it would take off worldwide.Fact|date=July 2008


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  • standee — ☆ standee [stan dē′ ] n. a person who stands, usually because there are no vacant seats, as on a bus …   English World dictionary

  • standee — noun a) Somebody who is forced to stand, for example on a crowded bus. He took a picture of me with a standee of Darth Vader at the premiere of Episode 3. b) A life size shape, for instance of a celebrity, cut out of cardboard, often used for… …   Wiktionary

  • standee — n. someone who must stand (at some event). □ There were about forty standees in addition to the full house. □ Can I get in as a standee, or do I have to wait for the next showing? …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • standee — noun Date: 1856 a standing person ; one who occupies standing room …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • standee — /stan dee /, n. a person who stands, as a passenger in a train, a spectator at a theater, etc., either because all the seats are taken or because standing room is cheaper than a seat. [1820 30, Amer.; STAND + EE] * * * …   Universalium

  • standee — stand·ee || stæn dɪː n. one who stands because there are no empty seats or because it is cheaper to stand …   English contemporary dictionary

  • standee — [stan di:] noun chiefly N. Amer. a person who is standing …   English new terms dictionary

  • standee — stand·ee …   English syllables

  • standee — stand•ee [[t]stænˈdi[/t]] n. a person who stands, as in a public conveyance, usu. because all seats are occupied • Etymology: 1855–60, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • standee — n. colloq. a person who stands, esp. when all seats are occupied …   Useful english dictionary

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