MISRA C++ is a software development standard for the C++ programming language developed by MISRA. Its aims are to facilitate reliability in the context of embedded systems, specifically those systems programmed in C++. There is also a set of guidelines known as MISRA C.

The first edition of the MISRA C++ document, "Guidelines for the use of the C++ language in critical systems", was launched in June 2008, and is officially known as "MISRA-C++:2008" [http://www.misra-cpp.org/] . It is available from MISRA. [ [http://www.misra-cpp.org/index.htm "Buying MISRA C++"] ]

MISRA C++ Committee

The current MISRA C++ committee contains the following members:

* Chris Tapp, Keylevel Consultants Ltd (Panel Chairman)
* Richard Corden, Programming Research Ltd
* Mike Hennell, LDRA Ltd
* Derek Jones, Knowledge Software Ltd
* Keith Longmore, Lotus Cars Ltd
* Clive Pygott, QinetiQ Ltd

The project management, publication and distribution have been handled by David Ward, MIRA Ltd.

Tool support

There are several software tools that claim to check code for "MISRA C++ conformance", including:

* LDRA's C++ Testbed [http://www.ldra.com/misracpp.asp]
* Programming Research's QAC++ [http://www.programmingresearch.com]

External links


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