- Constantin Heger
Constantin Georges Romain Heger (1809 – 1896) was a Belgian teacher of the
Victorian era . He is best remembered today for his association with Emily andCharlotte Brontë during the 1840s.Early life
Heger was born in
Brussels and moved toParis in 1825 in search of employment. For a period he worked as secretary to asolicitor , but because of a shortage of funds, was unable to pursue a legal career himself. In 1829 he returned to Brussels, where he became a teacher of French and Mathematics at the Athénée Royale. In 1830 he married his first wife, Marie-Josephine Noyer. When revolution broke out in Brussels Heger fought on the barricades from 23 to 27 September on the side of the nationalists. In September 1833, Heger’s wife and child died during acholera epidemic. [http://www.thebrusselsbrontegroup.org/heger.html]Heger was appointed a teacher in languages, mathematics, Geography and Belgian history at the veterinary college in Brussel's Rue Terarken. He continued to teach at the Athénée Royale when it relocated to the Rue des Douze Apôtres in 1839. Heger met Mlle Claire Zoë Parent (1814 – 1891), the directress of the neighbouring girls’ boarding school, and began teaching at her "Pensionnat" in the Rue Isabelle. They married in 1836 and had six children. [http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.thebrusselsbrontegroup.org/M%2520Heger.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.thebrusselsbrontegroup.org/heger.html&h=440&w=394&sz=49&hl=en&start=1&sig2=1mWDeoszr9SuVX0zlGvl8g&um=1&tbnid=FR_TlLw1qi3RkM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=114&ei=jOdOSIzoMKiaxAH1-JGiDA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dconstantin%2Bheger%2B%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN]
The Brontës
In 1842 Emily and
Charlotte Brontë travelled toBrussels to enroll in the "Pensionnat" run by Heger and his wife, Mme. Heger. Their aim was to improve their skills in languages. In return for board and tuition, Charlotte taught English and Emily taught music. Their time at the Pensionnat was cut short whenElizabeth Branwell , their aunt, who joined the family after the death of their mother to look after the children, died of internal obstruction in October 1842. Charlotte returned alone to Brussels in January 1843 to take up a teaching post at the Pensionnat. Her second stay there was not a happy one; she became lonely, homesick, and deeply attached to Constantin Heger. She finally returned to the Parsonage atHaworth in January 1844 and later used her time at the Pensionnat as the inspiration for some of "The Professor" and "Villette".The extent of Charlotte Brontë's feelings for Heger were not fully realised until 1913, when her letters to him were published for the first time. Heger had first shown them to Mrs. Gaskell when she visited him in 1856 while researching her biography "
The Life of Charlotte Brontë ", but she concealed their true significance. These letters, referred to as the 'Heger Letters', had been ripped up at some stage by Heger, but his wife had retrieved the pieces from the wastepaper bin and had meticulously glued or sewn them back together. Paul Heger, Constantin's son, and his sisters, gave these letters to theBritish Museum , and they were shortly after printed in "The Times " newspaper. ["The Times" 29 July 1913. Translated and with a commentary by Marion H. Spielmann]Later years
After the Brontës’ stay at the Pensionnat, Heger became Principal of the Athénée Royale in 1853, but resigned the position in 1855 in objection to methods implemented by the General Inspectors of the school. At his request he resumed the teaching of the youngest class in the school. He continued to give lessons in his wife’s Pensionnat until he retired in about 1882.
Heger died in 1896, and was buried with his wife and their daughter Marie, who died in 1886, in
Watermael-Boitsfort municipal cemetery, on the edge of the Forêt de Soignes.References
External links
* [http://www.thebrusselsbrontegroup.org/heger.html Heger on the Brussels Bronte Group website]
* [http://www.thebrusselsbrontegroup.org/heger%20historiography.html Heger Historiography]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.