Prusias ad Hypium

Prusias ad Hypium

Prusias ad Hypium is a Catholic titular see. The original diocese was a suffragan of Claudiopolis in the Honoriad. It was near present-day Düzce, Turkey.


Memnon of Heraclea says that King Prusias I of Bithynia (237-192 B.C.) captured from the Heracleans the town of Kieros, united it to his dominions and changed its name to Prusias. ["Frag. histor. Graec.", coll. Didot, frag. 27 and 47; fragment 41 treats of Kios/Cius or Guemlek, also called Prusias, and not of Kieros, as the copyist has written; this has given rise to numerous confusions.] Pliny [Hist. nat., V, 43.] and Ptolemy [V, i, 13.] merely mention it, one below Mt. Hypius, the other near the River Hypius or Milan-Sou.


Several of its bishops are known:

*George (not Hesychius, as Le Quien says), 325;
*Olympus in 451;
*Dometius in 681;
*Theophilus in 787;
*Constantine in 869;
*Leo in 879;
*St. Paul, martyred by the iconoclasts in the ninth century. [Le Quien, "Oriens christianus" I, 579.]

It is not known when this see disappeared; it still existed in the tenth century. [Heinrich Gelzer, "Ungedruckte ... Texte der Notitiæ episcopatuum", 554."]


*DE HELL, Voyage en Turquie et Perse, IV, 334-38, 353-73;
*TEXIER, Asie Mineure, 85;
*LE BAR, Voyage archéologique, 1174-82;
*PERROT, Expédition archéologique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie (Paris, 1872, 20-42).


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