KAIST Business School

KAIST Business School

KAIST Business School is a postgraduate business university located in Seoul, South Korea. KAIST Business School was established in 1996 as the nation’s first graduate school specializing in business and management education. It is regarded as the leading business school in Korea.

The "Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology" (KAIST) was founded in 1971 as the Korea Advanced Institute of Science (KAIS). KAIS was authorized by the Ministry of Science and Technology to educate scientific researchers and technology specialists and to grant masters and doctoral degrees. In 1989, KAIS was united with the Korea Institute of Technology (KIT), and undergraduate school. KIT was founded to provide special education for gifted students and was authorized to confer bachelor's degrees.


The mission of KAIST is to produce highly qualified scientists and engineers with competence and capabilities in both theory and practical applications. KAIST prepares these talented people to contribute to their organizations and to the larger society, and to generate scientific and technological innovations that contribute to the Korean community and society as a whole.


Evidence of KAIST’s educational and researchsuccess can be found in the university’s many positive external evaluations.
* KAIST offered the 1st full-time MBA in Korea.
* KAIST was the first Asian university to be accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET; 1992).
* KAIST was ranked in the top 200 universities in the world by the Times Higher Education Supplement (2007).
* KAIST is regularly ranked at 1st place in the Korean Joong-Ang Daily evaluation of universities nationwide.


AACSB-International Accreditation

KAIST Business School earned AACSB-International Accreditation in 2003, as KAIST Graduate School of Managgement. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International is the leading American accrediting body of university business schools. AACSB-International accreditation is awarded only to those schools of business that meet the same high standards of academic quality as demanded of top business schools worldwide.

Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS)

AAPBS provides leadership and representation to advance the quality of business and management education in the Asia-Pacific region. The Association accomplishes this mission through collaboration in research and teaching and through partnerships that improve business school standards and quality. KAIST Business School is a founding member of this organization.

UN Global Compact

The UN Global Compact is a framework for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. As the world's largest, global corporate citizenship initiative, the Global Compact is first and foremost concerned with exhibiting and building the social legitimacy of business and markets. KAIST Business School is a participant of the UN Global Compact.

Graduate Schools

The three separate schools that make up KAIST Business School are the "KAIST Graduate School of Management", "KAIST Graduate School of Finance", and the "KAIST Graduate School of Information & Media Management". In 2006, these three graduate schools of KAIST were combined under the single name of KAIST Business School. Whilst still maintaining a degree of autonomy, this move has allowed for increased cooperation between the schools in working towards the common goal of developing a world renowned technology-based management school.

Graduate School of Management

The Mission of KAIST Graduate School of Management (KGSM) is to develop global business leaders in management theory and practice with profound knowledge of both management and technology, as well as leaders capable of applying such knowledge to innovation and real-world problem-solving. Our mission focuses on:

• Commitment to Excellence in Education and Research

• Integration of Management and Technology Education

• Dedication to Initiatives Benefiting Society

KGSM utilizes its stellar faculty, innovative degree and non-degree programs, proactive approach to globalization, and significant network in the public and private sectors to realize this mission. The school is structured to provide students with not only intellectual and practical management skills but also the conceptual and analytical tools necessary for facing the wave of technological and cultural changes in the future. Thus, KGSM provides world-class management and policy education with a solid foundation in technological knowledge.

KGSM opened its doors in March 1996 as a new concept school of KAIST. Although management education was not new at that time to KAIST, given developing international trends and global competition, the school could foresee the need for cross-disciplinary technical education that included management training. Accordingly, the Board of Trustees of KAIST endorsed the creation of a separate management school that specifically emphasized the areas of technology, knowledge development, IT and environmental management. The impetus for the Graduate School of Management, therefore, was the need to train business leaders and policy specialists possessing global perspectives in areas of technology.

KGSM has been very successful and is rapidly becoming a world-class technology-based management school.

KAIST Graduate School of Finance

The KAIST Graduate School of Finance (KGSF) was opened in March 2006 by KAIST, in partnership with the Korean Government’s Ministry of Finance and Economy.

KGSF is the first completely finance-focused graduate school in Asia, offering finance MBAs and specially tailored finance certificate programs. A Ph.D program in finance, in cooperation with KGSM, is also offered. Among many eligible graduate programs in Korea, the government designated KGSF as its primary partner in an effort to establish Korea as the financial hub of Asia.

KGSF is structured to provide students with not only the intellectual and management skills but also the conceptual and analytical tools necessary for success in finance areas. In addition, KGSF provides a wide range of choices so students can take leadership roles and chart their desired course of achievement. Ingenuity and teamwork are the skills necessary to succeed. These factors, along with KGSF’s advanced instruction and research competencies, will pave the way to a bright future.

Students learn not only from the faculty, but also from each other. KGSF has created a stimulating and dynamic student-to-student learning environment that enhances the learning experience. This is a direct result of KAIST’s highly selective admissions process which ensures a broad range of academic and professional achievements for its students.

Students work hard and are competitive, while also valuing teamwork. KAIST Business School’s atmosphere is one in which students can work together in a cooperative environment that encourages excellence. This not only helps students build teamwork skills but also allows them to meet other students who want to significantly impact the organizations they will eventually lead.

KGSF’s rigorous selection process and academic programs ensure that students are innovative and productive while maintaining a drive for academic excellence. KGSF students make a valuable contribution to the classroom and develop strong potential for success in the business world.

KAIST Graduate School of Information & Media Management

The KAIST Graduate School of Information and Media Management (KSIM) was newly launched in March of 2006, as an offshoot of KGSM. Moreover, KSIM has been selected by the Korean Government’s Ministry of Information and Communication to take the leading role in fostering IT professionals within Korea. To assist in this endeavor, KSIM will receive funding of up to 2.9 billion won from 2006 to 2009.

For the past 10 years, KGSM had been recognized as the leader in MIS/Telecom education. Through its competitive and innovative program, KGSM has produced 320 IT management professionals. Following on from this experience and knowledge, KSIM aims to provide the best IT/Communication/Media-related convergence education programs in the fields of convergence and media.

With strong ambitions to foster world-class business professionals in the field of IT and media management, the curriculum of KSIM is specialized and industry-oriented for the IT & Media field. KSIM will substantially expand the former curriculum of the MIS/Telecom MBA programs.

Therefore, the curriculum is characterized by its focus on the recent trends and technology of IT Media, as well as general management training. The majority of the student body consists of MBA students delegated from the IT industry and governmental institutes. KSIM is distinctive for its 45 credit/1-year program, unlike the full-time 2-year program of KGSM. KSIM also provides a 3-week customized training program during the summer in the United States.

KSIM aims to delve into the concepts of IT management strategy, communication skills, information and communication technology, and the digital media & contents industry; with a firm background in the basic principles of business management. With this setting, KSIM will develop global professionals who can create new growth momentum through the convergence of IT and digital contents and the industrialization of contents.

KAIST Executive Education

KAIST Executive Programs are focused on helping senior executives obtain practical knowledge, gain exposure to current innovations and to learn new ways of strategic thinking for their successful businesses. All KAIST Business School executive-level programs are developed in consideration of the Korean perspective on the global business environment. They include new management theories, current business issues, international and Korea-specific casework.

All participants are working leaders in the Korean business world with impact on both Korean business and worldwide operations.

Currently KAIST Business School runs one executive degree program, the Executive MBA, five open enrollment programs, four company-specific customized programs and the KAIST CEO Forum. The executive education programs of KAIST Business School represent the most highly qualified executive education available in Korea.

KAIST International Center

In order for students to gain a global perspective of the international business environment and to provide them with an opportunity to obtain diverse academin knowledge, the International Center offers a host of services and programs. The International Exchange Program provides a unique opportunity to gain experience and knowledge across cultural boundaries and to improve the business skills necessary in succeeding internationally. KAIST Business School offers international exchange opportunities with a number of leading business schools in Asia, Europe and the United States.

Research Centers

Modern advances in technology and the effects of globalization have intensified the demand for clear insight into modern management. In research centers at KAIST, faculty and industry experts work together to develop knowledge, techniques and tools that are leading the management wave of the future. This research not only impacts sponsoring organizations but also KAIST Business School educational endeavors.

These state-of-the-art research centers work on the cutting edge of business, management and technological issues. Faculty members contribute to society by cultivating close ties with business, industry, financial and policy communities, helping to clarify important management issues. Faculty members work closely with participating industries, and also incorporate their findings into teaching materials. They also organize various conferences and seminars to enrich and advance knowledge in the overall community.

With financial support from the industrial and government sectors, KAIST Business School successfully operates ten research centers:

• Financial Engineering Research Center

• Center for Knowledge-Based e-Government (KeGRC)

• Knowledge Management Research Center (KMRC)

• Center for Telecommunications Management & Policy

• Center for Corporate Social Responsibility

• Center for Business Process Management / Real Time Enterprise

• Center for Innovation & Enterprise

• Center for Fair Trade

• Center on Law & Business

• Center for Complex Economic Systems

SUPEX Management Complex

This state-of-the-art education center allows students to fully leverage the business tools of today in order to learn the business landscape of tomorrow.

The combination of some of the most technologically advanced educational resources coupled with a comfortable learning environment creates an atmosphere conducive to intense intellectual pursuits in the comforts of home. Some of the features of the SUPEX Management Complex include:

• Student Labs - every student is provided with a work area

• Trading Room - to provide a “playground” for finance exercises

• Distance Learning Center - to provide easy-access to knowledge centers worldwide

• Digital library - accessible from home or office

• ”Smart” lecture rooms - networked through individual seats

• Multimedia Language Institute and Lab - to enhance foreign language ability development

• Meditation and exercise center - to encourage physical and mental health

• Cyber hall - 24-hour computer service center for students, faculty and staff

• Convention and conference facilities - includes teleconferencing capabilities

• Atrium - includes a restaurant, multimedia performance stage and stack corner

• Fitness Center and indoor golf range

Career Placement Center

KAIST Business School enjoys extremely high recruitment of its graduates averaging 98% for the past 3 years. Students are assisted in finding employment by the Career Placement Center. The Career Placement Center provides assistance and a wide range of services to help students achieve their career objectives and professional goals. It is our commitment to ensure that recruiters find their potential employees at KAIST Business School.

The Career Placement Center focuses on effective ways to meet the needs of students and employers, including:

• KAIST MBA Job Fair

• Career Management Seminars

• Corporate Information Sessions

• Mock Interview Programs

• Resume Writing Workshops

• Career Coaching for Foreign Students

• Internship Development and Management

• Resume Books

• Alumni Networking

• Online Resources: Corporate Profiles, Job Postings, On-line Resumes


KAIST Business School is located on a forested slope in the northeastern area of Seoul, about 100 miles from the main campus of KAIST. The KAIST Business School campus is at the heart of a major academic area that hosts four universities and five research institutes. Being located in Seoul allows students and faculty to maintain both a global perspective and a Korean base. Additionally, KAIST Business School has been able to foster close relationships with a large number of companies and governmental organizations.

External links

* [http://business.kaist.ac.kr/eng/p_about/2008_kbs.pdf KAIST Business School Information Brochure]
* [http://business.kaist.ac.kr KAIST Business School]
* [http://kgsf.kaist.ac.kr/ KAIST Graduate School of Finance]
* [http://ksim.kaist.ac.kr/asp/default.asp KAIST Graduate School of Information & Media Management]
* [http://www.kaist.edu/edu.html KAIST]
* [http://www.aapbs.org Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS)]

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