- Water-meadow
A water-meadow (also water meadow or watermeadow) is an area of
grassland subject to controlledirrigation to increaseagricultural productivity . Water-meadows were mainly used in Europe from the 16th to the early 20th centuries. Working water-meadows have now largely disappeared, but the field patterns and water channels of derelict water-meadows remain common in areas where they were used, such as parts ofItaly ,Switzerland andEngland . Derelict water-meadows are often of importance as wetland wildlife habitats.Water-meadows should not be confused with
flood-meadow s, which are naturally covered in shallow water by seasonal flooding from ariver . "Water-meadow" is sometimes used more loosely to mean any level grassland beside a river.Types of water-meadow
Two main types of water-meadow were used.
Catchwork water-meadow
These were used for fields on slopes, and relatively little engineering skill was required to construct them. Water from a stream or spring was fed to the top of a sloping field, and gentle sloping terraces were formed along which the water could trickle in a zig-zag fashion down the field. The water could be used again for fields lower down the slope.
Bedwork water-meadow
"Bedwork" or "floated" water-meadows were built on almost-level fields along broad river valleys, and required careful construction to ensure correct operation.
leat (called a "carrier", "top carrier" or "main") was used to divert water from the river and keep it at a higher level, often along the edge of the valley. This water was then used to supply many smaller carriers on the crests of ridges built across the fields. Each small carrier would overflow slowly down the sides (the "panes") of its ridge, the channel eventually tapering to an end at the tip of the ridge. The seeping water would then be collected in "drains" (or "drawns"), these joining to form a "bottom carrier" or "tail drain" which returned the water to the river. The small carriers and drains made an interlocking grid (like interlocked fingers), but did not connect directly. A "by-carrier" took any water not needed for irrigation straight back to the river. The ridges varied in height depending on the head available – usually from around 10 cm to about 50 cm (4 to 18 inches). The pattern of carriers and drains was generally regular, but was adapted to fit the natural topography of the ground and the locations of suitable places for offtake and return of water.A system of
sluice gates or "hatches", and "stops" (small earth or boarddam s) was used to control the water flow, which could be provided separately for each section of water-meadow. Sometimesaqueduct s took carriers over drains, andcauseway s andculvert s provided access forwagon s when the ground was wet. The working (or "floating") and maintenance of the water-meadow was done by a highly skilled craftsman called a "drowner" or "waterman", who was often employed by several adjacent farmers.Uses of water-meadows
The aim of water-meadow irrigation was not to flood the ground, but to keep it continuously damp – there is no standing water in a working water-meadow. Irrigation was used in early spring, to keep frosts off the ground and allow the
grass to grow several weeks earlier, and in dry summer weather to keep the grass growing. It also allowed the ground to absorb any plantnutrient s orsilt carried by the river water – this both fertilised the grassland, and helped reduceeutrophication of the river water by nutrient pollution. The grass was used both for grazing bylivestock (usuallycattle orsheep ), and for makinghay .Derelict water-meadows
Former water-meadows are found along many river valleys, where the sluice gates, channels and field ridges may still be visible (however the ridges should not be confused with
ridge and furrow topography, which is found on drier ground and has a very different origin). The drains in a derelict water-meadow are generally clogged and wet, and most of the carrier channels are dry, with the smaller ones on the ridge-tops often invisible. If any main carrier channels still flow, they usually connect permanently to the by-carriers. The larger sluices may be concealed under the roots of trees (such as crack willows), which have grown up from seedlings established in the brickwork. The complex mixture of wet and drier ground often gives derelict water-meadows particularly highwetland biodiversity .See also
Flooded grasslands and savannas
*Paddy field
*Terrace (agriculture)
*Wet meadow External links
* [http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Irrigation 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica: Irrigation] Includes detailed description of bedwork and catchwork water-meadows.
* [http://www.testvalley.gov.uk/tvlcp/print/vol1_lca5c.html Upper Test Valley] Description of the upperRiver Test valley in southernEngland , including description of catchwork water-meadows.
* [http://www.strollingguides.co.uk/books/wiltshire/places/harnham.php Harnham Water Meadows] Includes animation of water flow.
* [http://www.farm-direct.co.uk/farming/history/watermeadow/index.html Water Meadows: The lush pastures of the river valleys] Description, terminology and diagrams of floated water-meadows.
* [http://aslo.org/phd/dialog/1997January-48.html PhD thesis abstract on watermeadows]Further reading
Hadrian Cook and Tom Williamson (eds.), "Water management in the English landscape: field, marsh and meadow". Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 1999.
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