

Hyraceum is the petrified and rock-like excrement composed of both urine and feces excreted by the Cape Hyrax, Procavia capensis, commonly referred to as the Dassie (www.Hyraceum.com). [http://www.hyraceum.com] After aging and petrifying over hundreds if not thousands of years, it is a sought-after material that has been used in both traditional South African medicine and perfumery.

Hyraceum in Perfumery

The material hardens and ages until it becomes a fairly sterile, rock-like material (also referred to as "Africa Stone") that contains compounds giving it an animalic, deeply complex fermented scent that combines the elements of musk, castoreum, civet, tobacco and agarwood. The material is harvested without disturbing the animals by digging strata of the brittle, resinous, irregular, blackish-brown stone; because animals are not harmed in its harvesting it is often an ethical substitute for deer musk and civet, which require cruel methods of collection.(www.Hyraceum.com) [http://www.hyraceum.com]

Hyraceum in Traditional South African Medicine

After it has been fossilized hyraceum has been used as a traditional folk medicine in South Africa for treating epilepsy. (South African Journal of Science 103, November/December 2008, p.437) [http://www.up.ac.za/dspace/bitstream/2263/5788/1/Olsen_Hyraceum(2007).pdf] ] One clinical study of 14 samples of the material collected at variousgeographical locations in South Africa tested the material for its affinity for the GABA-benzodiazepine receptor, a neurologic receptor site that is effective in the treatment of seizures with benzodiazapines such as diazepam and lorazepam in western medicine. Four of thehyraceum samples assayed positive for having an affinity for the receptor sites, however extracts in water were inactive. The resultsof the study supported the potential use ofhyraceum as a treatment for seizures.

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