- Hi-Ex
Infobox Convention
name = Hi-Ex
caption =
status = Active
genre = Comics
venue =Eden Court Theatre
location =Inverness
country = Scotland
first = February 2008
last =
organizer = Richmond Clements, Vicky Stonebridge
filing =
attendance =
website = http://www.hi-ex.co.uk/Hi-Ex (short for the Highlands International Comics Expo) is the name given to a Scottish
comics convention . It is held early in the year inEden Court Theatre ,Inverness . The organisers are Richmond Clements (editor at FutureQuake Publishing) and Vicky Stonebridge. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/highlands_and_islands/7194176.stm First superheroes expo for north] ,BBC , January 18, 2008] [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/highlands_and_islands/7195730.stm Scots' impact on comics examined] ,BBC , January 22, 2008] [ [http://www.highland-news.co.uk/news/fullstory.php/aid/3177/Comic_book_heroes_set_for_city_expo.html Comic book heroes set for city expo] , "Highland News", January 29, 2008] [ [http://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/news/fullstory.php/aid/5032/Inverness_a_big_draw_for_comic_fans.html Inverness a big draw for comic fans] , "Inverness Courier", February 1, 2008]Overview
The idea for the convention emerged from the lack of a major comics convention in the area and a discussion Richmond Clements and Vicky Stonebridge had with Eden Court's Judith Aitken, about possibly bringing in a few guest speakers. Through contacts made because of their involvement with the
British small press comics they were able speak to a wide number of professional comic creators and the event rapidly grew into full weekend. They also received advice from people with experience in running conventions, including Michael Carroll, who runsOctocon , [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/highlands_and_islands/7373125.stm Catwalks and comic book heroes] ,BBC , June 1, 2008] and theComic Expo 's Mike Allwood. [http://www.hi-arts.co.uk/jan08-feature-hi-ex.html Interview with organisers] , "Northings", January 2008]Hi-Ex has also been used by the
BBC as an example of how the Internet has helped facilitate developments in theHighlands and Islands . Clements is quoted as saying "Practically the entire event was organised through e-mail."2007
The first event took place at and included
Cam Kennedy ,Colin MacNeil , John Higgins,Gary Erskine andRufus Dayglo . The poor weather meant Alan Grant was unable to attend and run a script writing workshop butAl Ewing ,Declan Shalvey and Ben Clark filled in for him. Also there were the501st Legion UK Garrison [ [http://www.ukgarrison.co.uk/ UK Garrison] ] and a Predator. [ [http://www.top-punts.co.uk/ Predmaniac] ]Hi-Ex was the centre of a range of other events organised to promote comics in he region, including "outreach visits" to schools, involving
Kev F. Sutherland , with the help of the The Highland Council andScottish Arts Council , [http://www.hi-arts.co.uk/Default.aspx.LocID-hianewnfj.RefLocID-hiacg5005.Lang-EN.htm Northings review] ] and an exhibition of comic art in Eden Court's gallery.2008
BBC revealed thatFrank Quitely and Mike McMahon were booked for the second Hi-Ex, taking place on the weekend of the 14-15 February. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/highlands_and_islands/7485704.stm Convention books Superman artist] , "BBC ", July 3, 2008]Reception
"Northings", the Highlands and Islands Art Journal, described the first convention as "inspirational" and said that "By the end of the weekend I felt like a door had been opened on a whole genre of Art that I hadn’t really engaged with before.". Of those that attended,
Gary Erskine declared it a "complete success." [ [http://garyerskine.blogspot.com/2008/02/hi-ex-success.html Hi-Ex success!] , February 5, 2008]References
External links
* [http://www.futurequake.co.uk/ FutureQuake]
* [http://www.balnacra.com/ Vicky Stonebridge]
* [http://forbiddenplanet.co.uk/blog/?p=6369 Hi-Ex in the Highlands] , Forbidden Planet, February 3, 2008
* [http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/hiex/ Hi-Ex photographs] onFlickr
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezh6ajYx-p4 The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre's guide to Hi-Ex] , byKev F. Sutherland
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evTxgansiDg The Predator's footage of event]
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