

General CVG character

firstgame="Mega Man Battle Network"
series="Mega Man Battle Network" series
creator=Keiji Inafune
voiceactor=Lenore Zann
japanactor=Joh Masako
inuniverse=Mega Man character
weapon=Roll Blast, Roll Control, Battle Chips

Roll.EXE is a fictional character of the game series MegaMan Battle Network and anime of MegaMan NT Warrior.Rolls appearance is a pink outfit similar to MegaMan's blue outfit.Rolls outfits are both the same in both anime of U.S.A and Japan. Rolls voice actor/actress in the U.S.A is Lenore Zann and in Japan is Joh Masako.



In the "Battle Network" series Roll is a supporting character to the lead character MegaMan. Roll does not fight but talks to MegaMan offering many pointers and helpful suggestions. Roll is a helper to MegaManwhen ever he needs her assistance. She is always there no matter what the consequences.


In the MegaMan NT Warrior TV series Roll is a fellow NetNaviworking with MegaMan to help stop the evil WWW (World Three) from their disasterous plans. Rolls operator is Mayl Sakurai a friend of Lan Hikari the operator of MegaMan. Roll has many attacks such as her Roll Blaster as she used in MegaMan NT Warrior (EXE) episode 8 "Hot Tempers" against Torchman or her Roll Control which she used against Wackoman in the episode "Wacky Maddness & Blazing Battles!".


Roll has quite a few abilities at her disposal that make her a formidable foe.

--Air Shoes--Roll oddly walks around on her feet in the Cyberworld, but in battle, she floats. Her stance was originally leaning forward, but later games (EXE4 and on) Showed her in a more upright position, leaning forward to use her next attack.

--Roll Swipe--Roll's most commonly used attack, applied to her chips as well. She will zoom in and attack the foe with her head-attachments. In EXE 1-3, she 'stabbed' the enemy, while in later games, she swings her antenna like blades. Roll's Chip also causes her to recover the user.

--Roll Arrow--Roll's other attack, used in EXE4, and copied by megaman in Roll Soul. She will create a bow, and fire an arrow with a Heart motif. This arrow, while slow (compared to other attacks) and not very powerful, breaks chip data, making it unusable.


Roll has a happy personality and is always there when MegaMan or Mayl needs her. Roll is sometimes stubborn when someone says that she can't do this or that more or less saying that she is weak. Roll then tries to prove herself as she did in the MegaMan NT Warrior episode "Hot Tempers" and gets herself into some of trouble but when it all comes down to it Roll is a great NetNavi to have.


Mayl Sakurai - Roll's operator and friend. They have a close friendship and are always there when one another need each other. They can both be stubborn when it comes to guys telling them they can't do something because they are weak.

ProtoMan.EXE - Gets along with him quite well at times and is believed to have a somewhat of a relationship in certain times: example- Beast.

MegaMan.EXE - The main Navi in the series. In the game, MegaMan cares for Roll deeply as she is trying to communicate and help him so he does not get hurt. In the anime he is always trying to look out for Roll so she does not get hurt but she sometimes takes his caring the wrong way as him saying she can't do it.

GutsMan.EXE - GutsMan is in love with Roll as Dex is with Mayl. He is very envious of MegaMan's close relationship with Roll. When it all comes down to it Roll and GutsMan are good friends and GutsMan will always be there to protect her.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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