

Infobox Swiss town
subject_name = Leuk
municipality_name = Leuk
municipality_type = municipality
imagepath_coa = |pixel_coa=

languages = German
canton = Valais
iso-code-region = CH-VS
district = Leuk
postal_code = 3953
municipality_code = 6110
area = 44.16
elevation = 731|elevation_description=
population = 3376|populationof=2002
website = www.leuk.ch
mayor = Gaston Oggier|mayor_asof=|mayor_party=
mayor_title = |list_of_mayors =
places = Briannen, Gampinen, Leuk-Stadt, Pfyn, Pletschen, St. Josephsheim, Susten
demonym =
neighboring_municipalities= Agarn, Albinen, Bratsch, Chandolin, Erschmatt, Guttet-Feschel, Inden, Salgesch, Turtmann, Varen
twintowns = Münchwilen, Thurgau (Switzerland)|

Leuk (French "Loèche") is a municipality in the district of Leuk in the canton of Valais in Switzerland.

Since it controls access to the Gemmipass, it had some importance from the time of Roman Raetia. The Leukerbad thermal baths are just North of Leuk, towards the pass. It is the capital of the Leuk district of the Valais.

Loèche harbours the installations of Onyx, the Swiss interception system for electronic intelligence gathering.

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