MYMOSA (MotorcYcle and MOtorcyclist SAfety) is a research project from Sixth Framework Programme Marie Curie Research Training Networks (RTN).


Motorcyclists and moped drivers are road users with a particularly high accident risk since motorcycle accidents are severe in nature, due to the relative lack of protection of motorcyclists. Furthermore, given the young age of many victims, these accidents often result in a high loss of life expectancy for fatalities and high social-economic costs for severely injured motorcyclists. The ambition of this project is to provide a significant contribution to the reduction of motor cycle fatalities and injuries on European roads: as a consequence of the proposed activities in this project a long-term reduction of at least 20% of injuries and fatalities of motorcyclists is foreseen.

The prime objectives of this RTN

1. to educate 10 Early Stage Researchers (ESR) in the partially unexplored field of Powered Two Wheelers’ (PTW) and riders' safety

2. to facilitate the development of R&D abilities (personal career development plan) and the formation of a European network of personal relationships in an early stage of the careers of the researchers (many years benefiting their careers/specialization)

3. to stimulate co-operation between researchers of 5 universities, 3 research centres and 6 industries (2 SMEs) through visits, secondments and training (Transfer of Knowledge)

Scientific and Technological objectives

The Scientific and Technological (S&T) objectives of the research project, that addresses four main and well related topics, are:

1. Accident dynamics
The S&T objective is to realise a well-validated computer aided engineering (CAE) methodology – and corresponding toolset- describing the interaction between vehicle-rider-environment during PTW driving, as well as in the pre-accident and accident phase.

2. Integrated safety
The S&T objective is the development of an integrated safety system capable to detect impending dangerous situations (e.g. instability) and accident scenarios, and inform the rider or influence the PTW behaviour, with the purpose of reducing the injury risk.

3. Personal protective equipment
The S&T objective is to develop new protection concepts (such as devices to reduce head rotational accelerations) and examine new materials for further reduction of the injury risk of PTW riders with a special emphasis on motorcycle helmets with respect to three major occurring head injuries.

4. Biomechanics
The S&T objective is to develop new biomechanical knowledge specifically for motorcyclists based on the current knowledge of car occupants and pedestrians.


The consortium consists of 14 partners from 7 EU Member States bringing together top-level academic and industrial expertise in the areas of automotive and human factors research, accidentology, biomechanics research, sensor systems and ADAS, suspension technology and design, engineering & manufacturing technology for PTWs. Their list can be found on the MYMOSA official web page.

External links

* [ MYMOSA official web page]

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