Lednica 2000

Lednica 2000

Polish Youth Meeting Lednica 2000 (known as Lednica) is a gathering of Polish catholic youth, organized near Poznan, in Lednica (near the Lednica lake, a place where first Polish kings received the catholic faith. It's organized from 1997, and takes place every first Saturday of June. Organized by famous Polish dominican, Jan Góra.

Benedict XVI, as well as earlier John Paul II, adresses every year a special message to the Lednica meeting participants.

The meetings

* 2 June 1997, (20 000 participants) - "We have to go"
* 30 May 1998, (50 000 participants) - "Never alone"
* 4 June 1999, (60 000 participants) - "To see the reason"
* 10 June 2000, (70 000 participants) - "Choose Christ!"
* 2 June 2001, (90 000 participants) - "Duc in altum!"
* 18 May 2002, (100 000 participants) - "Invite Christ"
* 7 June 2003, (140 000 participants) - "The talent liturgy"
* 29 May 2004, (180 000 participants) - "Let us be cought in the net of love!"
* 4 June 2005, (150 000 participants) - "Let us meet by the source"
* 3 June 2006, (100 000 participants) - "Christ is the way"
* 2 June 2007, (45 000 participants) - "Send us!", with the presence of Cardenal Stanisław Dziwisz
* 7 June 2008, (80 000 participants) - "I called you friends!", with the presence of Archbishop Kazimierz Nycz

External links

* [http://www.lednica2000.pl Official webpage of Lednica 2000]

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