

name = "Lampyris"

image_width = 200px
image_caption = The habitus of "Lampyris noctiluca" (male left, female right) is representative for this genus.
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Coleoptera
familia = Lampyridae
subfamilia = Lampyrinae
tribus = Lampyrini
genus = "Lampyris"
genus_authority = Geoffroy, 1762
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = Numerous, see text

"Lampyris" is a genus of beetle in the firefly family (Lampyridae). In most of western Eurasia, they are the predominant fireflies. They produce a continuous glowStanger-Hall "et al." (2007)] .; the larvae and larviform females are among those organisms commonly called "glowworms".

This genus is rather close to "Pleotomus" and its relatives. These were formerly separated as tribe Pleotomini, but appear to be a specialized offshoot of the Lampyrini.

Notable species

* "Lampyris afghana"
* "Lampyris algerica"
* "Lampyris ambigena"
* "Lampyris angustata"
* "Lampyris angustula"
* "Lampyris apuliae"
* "Lampyris attenuata"
* "Lampyris berytensis"
* "Lampyris brevicollis"
* "Lampyris brutia"
* "Lampyris caspica"
* "Lampyris cincta"
* "Lampyris costalis"
* "Lampyris depressiuscula"
* "Lampyris exilis"
* "Lampyris fuscata"
* "Lampyris germariensis"
* "Lampyris gridelli"
* "Lampyris hellenica"
* "Lampyris hummeli"
* "Lampyris iraqi"
* "Lampyris lareynii"
* "Lampyris levigata"
* "Lampyris liebegotti"
* "Lampyris limbata"
* "Lampyris lobata"
* "Lampyris maculata"
* "Lampyris membranacea"
* "Lampyris monticola"
* "Lampyris nervosa"
* "Lampyris noctiluca" – Common Glow-worm
* "Lampyris occidentalis"
* "Lampyris olivieriana"
* "Lampyris orientalis"
* "Lampyris pallida"
* "Lampyris pseudozenkeri"
* "Lampyris raymondi"
* "Lampyris sardiniae"
* "Lampyris satoi"
* "Lampyris setosa"
* "Lampyris spinifer"
* "Lampyris sulpuri"
* "Lampyris turkestanica"
* "Lampyris zenkeri"



* (2007): Phylogeny of North American fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae): Implications for the evolution of light signals. "Mol. Phylogenet. Evol." 45(1): 33-49. doi|10.1016/j.ympev.2007.05.013 (HTML abstract)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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