Pa Kalan

Pa Kalan

name = Pa Kalan
native_name = ប៉ាកាឡាន់
category = Commune
etymology =
nickname =

image_caption =

symbol =
country = Cambodia
region = Ratanakiri Province
district = Veun Sai
border =
part =
city =
landmark =
river =
capital =
capital_location = | capital_region = | capital_country =
capital_elevation =
capital_lat_d = | capital_lat_m = | capital_lat_s = | capital_lat_NS =N
capital_long_d = | capital_long_m = | capital_long_s = | capital_long_EW =E
area =
population = 943
population_date = 1998
population_density =
established =
date =
leader =
timezone = Cambodia time | utc_offset = +7
timezone_DST = | utc_offset_DST =
postal_code =
area_code =
code =
free = | free_type =

map_caption =
map_background =
website =
footnotes =

Pa Kalan ( _km. ប៉ាកាឡាន់) is a commune in Veun Sai District in northeast Cambodia. It contains two villages and has a population of 943. [ "Final Population Totals, Rotanak Kiri Province, 1998"] . Cambodia National Institute of Statistics. Accessed June 6, 2008.] In the 2007 commune council elections, four seats went to members of the Cambodian People's Party and one seat went to a member of Funcinpec. [ [ "Official Results of the 2007 Commune Councils Election in Ratank Kiri"] .sic National Election Committe, No 4.58/07 NEC.SG.PIB (April 18, 2007). Accessed June 6, 2008.] Land alienation is a problem of low severity in Pa Kalan. [ [ "Land Alienation in Indigenous Minority Communities - Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia"] . NGO Forum on Cambodia (August 2006). Accessed June 6, 2008.] (See Ratanakiri Province for background information on land alienation.)


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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