- BootSkin
BootSkin is a
computer program for MicrosoftWindows 2000 ,Windows XP andWindows Vista that allows users to change the screen displayed while theoperating system is booting. It is made byStardock , and distributed for free under theWinCustomize brand.BootSkin uses a boot-time
device driver (vidstub.sys) to access the display directly usingVESA BIOS Extensions (VBE), unlike other bootscreen changers which alter the image of the boot screen inside the kernel. This has the advantage of not modifying system files, and makes higher-resolution boot screens possible; standard boot screens are limited to 640x480 with 16 colors. Unfortunately, somegraphics card s andchipset s do not have good support for VBE, preventing their use with BootSkin.Due to the severe restrictions on color depth, many images are not suitable for use as boot skins. Successful skins tend to take advantage of the limitations through the use of a limited palette and dithering techniques.
Installing BootSkin unattended is simple matter of using the /silent switch, unfortunately there does not seem to be any way of applying a skin without actually clicking the apply button in the program
External links
* [http://www.stardock.com/products/bootskin/ BootSkin home page]
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