- Lloyd John Ogilvie
Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie(b. 1930), [http://bulk.resource.org/gpo.gov/documents/108/sd004.pdf Tributes Delivered in Congress to Chaplain Lloyd John Ogilvie To Commemorate His Service in the United States Senate] ,
United States Senate ,108th Congress , First Session, S. Doc. 108-4,United States Government Printing Office , 2003, retrieved2008-06-19 ] is a Presbyterian minister and wasChaplain of the United States Senate from 104th through 107th Congresses (1995-2003).He was married to Mary Jane Jenkins Ogilvie and widowed in 2003. [http://www.congress.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c108:S.RES.110: Honoring Mary Jane Jenkins Ogilvie, wife of former Senate Chaplain, Reverend Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie.] ,
108th Congress , 1st session, S. Res. 110, April 8, 2003, retrieved2008-06-09 ]Biography
;This is a direct copy of page v. of "Tributes Delivered in Congress to Chaplain Lloyd John Ogilvie To Commemorate His Service in the United States Senate". Although in the public domain, it should not stay in its current form.
quote|BIOGRAPHYLLOYD JOHN OGILVIE, was born in Kenosha, WI, on September2, 1930. He was educated in the public schools of Kenoshaand received a B.A. from Lake Forest College. He receivedhis Master of Theology at Garrett Theological Seminaryand conducted postgraduate studies at New College,University of Edinburgh, Scotland.His pastorates include Gurnee Community Church,Gurnee, IL; Winnetka Presbyterian Church, Winnetka, IL(1956–62); First Presbyterian Church, Bethlehem, PA (1962–72); First Presbyterian Church, Hollywood, CA (1972–95);and Chaplain of the U.S. Senate (1995–2003). Before comingto the Senate he had a nationally syndicated weekly televisionshow, ‘‘Let God Love You,’’ which was on the air for17 years. He also had a daily radio program for 10 years.Dr. OGILVIE is the 61st Chaplain to serve the U.S. Senate.His Senate flock included not only Senators and theirspouses, but every employee of the Senate. He gave theopening prayer on days the Senate was in session. He alsoconducted Bible study discussion groups each day of theweek for the Senators, their families, and their staffs.Dr. OGILVIE emphasized nurturing others through personalrelationships. He was determined to keep the Office ofChaplain nonpolitical, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan. He felthis role as Chaplain was to act as an intercessor for the Senators,serving as a trusted prayer partner and a faithfulcounselor. In his opening prayers, he was committed to prayingto God, not preaching to the Senators. He emphasizedencouragement, not persuasion.Chaplain OGILVIE led the Senate through many significantevents including the impeachment of President Clinton; theattacks on 9/11; the anthrax attack in the Senate; and thecontested Presidential election in 2000.Chaplain OGILVIE was awarded the Distinguished ServiceCitation, Lake Forest College; Preacher of the Year Awardand Angel Award (Religion in Media); Silver Angel Award,1982, 1986; Gold Medallion Book Award, 1985; and the WilliamBooth Award, 1992.Chaplain OGILVIE is also the author of 49 books.
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