

Infobox Archbishop of Canterbury
Full name = Saint Bregwin

birth_name = Bregwin
consecration = 759
term_end = 764
predecessor = Cuthbert of Canterbury
successor = Jaenbert
birth_date =
death_date = 764
tomb = Canterbury
Infobox Saint Archbishop of Canterbury
feast_day= 26 August
venerated_in=Eastern Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion

Bregwin (or Breguivine or Breguwine or Bregowine) was a medieval Archbishop of Canterbury.


Various stories have been told about Bregwin's origins, including that he was a nobleman and a continental Saxon who converted to Christianity and came to Canterbury because of the saintly reputation of Theodore of Tarsus. Others say that he owed his elevation to Æthelbert II of Kent, but all these stories rest on works that were written after the Norman conquest of England. There are no contemporary records of Bregwin before he was archbishop.Williams "Bregowine (d. 764)" "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography"] Whatever his upbringing, he was consecrated as archbishop on 27 September 761.Fryde, et. al. |"Handbook of British Chronology" p. 214] His election took place in a brief period when Kent was free of Mercian dominance between 756 and 764, so the story that he owed his election to Æthelbert does fit with the time frame.Brooks "Early History of the Church of Canterbury" p. 80] He wrote letters to Saint Lullus of Mainz which still exist, [ Catholic Online Saints and Angels St Bregwin] accessed on 6 September 2007] and later his life was written by Eadmer. [ [ 1911 Britanica Encyclopedia Entry for Eadmer] accessed on 7 September 2007] He died in 764 and was originally buried in the baptistry in Canterbury, but his remains were moved to the Romanesque cathedral's choir in 1123.

He was later canonized with a feast day of 26 August.



* Williams, Ann "Bregowine (d. 764)" "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography" Oxford University Press, 2004 [ Online Edition] accessed 7 November 2007

External links

* [ Bregwin at Catholic Online]
* [ Bregwin at Britannia Biographies]
* [ Prosopography of Anglo Saxon England Entry for Bregowine]

ALTERNATIVE NAMES= Breguivine; Breguwine; Bregowine
SHORT DESCRIPTION=Archbishop of Canterbury

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