Monika K. Adler

Monika K. Adler

Monika K. Adler (born January 5 , 1979 or 1982 in Poland/Central Europe ) is a Polish fine arts and portrait photographer, writer, film director and actress.

Photography series

*2008 - FEMALE BOOK !
*2006/2008 - Travel no End
*2006/2008 - Children and other rubbish
*2006 - Universe
*2006 - Thank God I am a VIP
*2006 - The Death of the Warrior
*2005 - Not yet a Pope
*2005 - I love New York.
*2005 - Last Supper
*2005 - What’s Wrong ?
*2005 - Postcards from Paris
*2004 - Salut de Paris
*2004 - Expire
*2004 - Mademoiselle Guilottine
*2003 - Theresa is waiting
*2003 - Nothingness
*2003 - More cries then whispers
*2003 - Sacred Flesh
*2003 - Nocturne
*2002 - The Polaroid Perfect Collection


* The Beauty of the Shadow - premiere 2009
* Two Loves - 1998 - co – directed with Kamil Polak.

The Beauty of the Shadow

The Beauty of the Shadow - a modern post punk-rock love drama set in Andalusia during the Holy Week in Seville. This surrealistic story of love, jealousy and revenge breaks all religious and social stereotypes. It's a red-blooded love story in the flamenco rhythm, which explores human emotions and destructive passions with hot Andalusia in the background. Source: Official Movie WebSite :


* 2008 - Bloodsucker ( a novel )
* 2008 - Letter to Father Biblioteka Gazety Wyborczej Publishing: ( a letter )
* 2008 - The Beauty of the Shadow (2008) ( a screenplay )
* 1998 - Late fall (1998) ( a screenplay )
* 1998 - Two Loves (1998) ( a screenplay )

External links

* [ Official Website of Monika K. Adler]
* [ Gallery of photography of Monika K. Adler]
* [ Official Website of The Beauty of the Shadow movie]
* [ Polish Wikipedia.]
* [ Saatchi Gallery 1]
* [ Saatchi Gallery 2]

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