Apple Intermediate Codec

Apple Intermediate Codec

The Apple Intermediate Codec is a video codec designed by Apple, Inc to be an intermediate format in a HDV workflow. It features high performance and quality, being less processor intensive to work with than other editing formats. Unlike native MPEG-2 based HDV, AIC does not use temporal compression, enabling every frame to be decoded immediately without decoding other frames. As a result of this, AIC takes three to four times more space than HDV.

AIC is only available on the Mac OS X platform and is not able to be read on other platforms to date such as Windows or Linux. All Mac OS X software which makes use of the QuickTime codec libraries - primarily Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Express, and iMovie, but also freeware such as MPEG Streamclip - can use the Apple Intermedate codec.

External links

* [ About HDV and the Apple Intermediate Codec]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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