

Sadako is a Japanese name, used for females. Although written romanized the same way, the kanji can be different. It is comprised of the two parts "sada" and "ko"; collectively, they mean "chaste child".

People with the given name Sadako

*nihongo|Princess Sadako Kujō|九条節子, later Empress Teimei (貞明皇后) of Japan, wife of Emperor Taishō
*Sadako Sasaki (佐々木 禎子), a childhood Hiroshima atomic bomb victim, who is world-famous for making many origami cranes based on a legend about their healing properties, thus making paper cranes an international symbol for peace.
*Sadako Ogata (緒方 貞子), Japanese scholar and UN administrator

Fictional Characters

*Sadako Yamamura (山村貞子), fictional character in the Japanese novel, manga and film "Ring"


*Sadako Austrian Industrial Metal Band

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  • Sadako — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Sadako es un nombre femenino japonés. Su escritura en kanji no es única, y se compone de dos partes: sada y ko. Es el nombre de: Princesa Sadako Kujō (九条節子), posteriormente la Emperatriz Teimei (貞明皇后) de Japón,… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Sadako Ogata — au Forum économique mondial de Davos (Suisse) en 1993. Sadako Ogata (née en 1927 ) est une universitaire japonaise, qui fut doyenne de la Faculté des études étrangères de l Université Sophia, à Tōkyō et remplit, par ailleurs, de nombreuses… …   Wikipédia en Français

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