

The Ghilzais (also known as Khiljis or Ghaljis) are a large Pashtun tribe located mainly in southeastern Afghanistan, between Kandahar and Ghazni and extending eastwards towards the Suleiman Mountains into Pakistan where they can also be found in large numbers. [cite encyclopedia| last=Frye |first=R.N. |title = GHALZAY| encyclopedia = Encyclopaedia of Islam| edition = CD-ROM Edition v. 1.0| publisher = Koninklijke Brill NV| location = Leiden, The Netherlands| date = 1999| ] They are the most populous Pashtun tribe in Afghanistan. Historically, the Ghilzai have opposed the Durrani dominated governments of Afghanistan. Ghilzais supported the Taliban. The Ghilzai Pashtuns have traditionally been opposed to the northern Durranis , and have being more orthodox Sunni Muslims.


The name of the Ghilzais is derived from the tribal name "Khaldjī", meaning either "Son of Mountain " [cite encyclopedia| last=Morgenstierne |first=G.|title = AFGHĀN| encyclopedia = Encyclopaedia of Islam| edition = CD-ROM Edition v. 1.0| publisher = Koninklijke Brill NV| location = Leiden, The Netherlands| date = 1999| ] or "swordsman." [Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North West Frontier Province, H.A. Rose, pg. 241] The name "Ghilzai" is a modification or corruption of term Khilaji or Khalaj.

History and origins

The Ghilzais are an Afghan tribe but their origins are not certain. They are reputed to be descended at least in part from the Khalaj or Khilji Turks, [Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North West Frontier Province, H.A. Rose, pg. 241] [At the Court of Amîr: A Narrative By John Alfred Gray, pg. 203] who entered Afghanistan in the 10th century as well as the numerous other invaders from Central Asia and the Middle East who have entered Afghanistan over the centuries. According to Elphinstone, the Khilji, "though Turks by descent...had so long settled among the Afghans that they had almost identified with that people." [A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases: Hobson-Jobson By C. Burnell, Henry Yule, pg. 371]

When the Hotaki tribe revolted against Saffavid Turk's rule under the leadership of Mir Wais Hotak, the Ghilzai came more into prominence. He succeeded in expelling the Georgian Governor of Kandahar and assumed the post for himself. His eldest son, Mahmud, effected a successful invasion of Persia which culminated in the conquest of Isfahan and the deposition of the Safawi Shah Soltan Hosein. Mahmud was then crowned Shah and ruled for a brief period before being deposed by his own clansmen. His nephew and successor reigned for a brief period of four years before being killed by fellow Afghans, while fleeing towards Kandahar. The Safawi dynasty was then restored in the person of Soltan Hosein's only surviving son, Tahmasp II.

In 1709, Mirwais Khan Hotak, a Ghilzai Pashtun and founder of the short-lived Hotaki Dynasty (1709-38), led an Afghan tribal revolt against Persian rule that eventually led to the short-lived Afghan rule of Persia from 1722. From 1734 Nader Shah began to wrest control from the Ghilzais.

In the 1880s, large numbers of Ghilzais were deported to northern parts of Afghanistan by the Durrani ruler Abdur Rahman Khan.cite encyclopedia |last=Hanifi |first=M. Jamil |encyclopedia=Encyclopædia Iranica |title=GÚILZÈor GÚALZÈ |url= |accessyear=2008 |accessmonth=January |edition=Online Edition |publisher=Columbia University |location=United States ]

The 1978 Khalq uprising against the government of Daoud Khan was essentially a Ghilzai resurgence against the Durranis. After 1978, three of the Soviet backed presidents were Ghilzais, Nur Mohammed Taraki (of the Taraki tribe), Hafizullah Amin (of the Kharoti tribe), and Mohammed Najibullah (of the Ahmadzai tribe). Although the Khalq was dominated mostly by Ghilzais, many of the Mujahideen were also Ghilzais in the Soviet war in Afghanistan, including Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

In the 1990s, the Taliban leadership and rank and file were entirely composed of Ghilzai Pashtuns and other related tribes and this has placed the Ghilzais at odds with the Durrani tribe who are currently represented by the administration of President Hamid Karzai and the central Afghan government. Most Ghilzais are however not particularly political and are generally concerned with surviving during Afghanistan's current rebuilding period. The Ghilzais remain one of the largest and most prominent ethnic groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan and continue to enjoy considerable autonomy. Taliban leader Muhammad Omar was a Ghilzai Pashtun.

Location and economy

The Ghilzais are concentrated in an area spanning Ghazni and Kalat-i-Ghilzai eastward into western Pakistan, but are predominantly a nomadic group unlike the Durranis who can be found in permanent settlements. They regularly cross over between the two countries often being exempted from customs due to the acceptance of their nomadic traditions by officials from both countries. Population estimates vary, but they are most likely around 20% to 25% of the population of Afghanistan and probably number over 9 million in Afghanistan alone with 4 million or more found in neighboring Pakistan. Most Ghilzais are Sunni Muslims of the Hanafi school and are often devout to their faith and also follow the Pashtun code of honor known as "Pashtunwali". Most Ghilzais work as herdsmen as well as construction workers and in other jobs that allow them to travel. Often possessing great mechanical aptitude, the Ghilzai nonetheless have an extremely low literacy rate hovering below 10%.


See also

*Pashtun people
*Mullah Mohammed Omar
*Khilji Dynasty
*Lodhi dynasty

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