FSK (band)

FSK (band)

FSK ("Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle", German meaning "voluntary self control") is a German band that was formed in Munich in 1980. It became involved in the underground-part of the German New-Wave-Scene of the early 1980s. The band name is a reference to the German motion picture rating organisation Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft, which uses the same acronym. Their records were released on the legendary Zickzack-Label owned by Punk-guru Alfred Hilsberg. Later in the decade, they became favourites of British radio-guru John Peel, and were themselves strongly influencesd by the independent British music scene of the 1980s. In the late 1980s they became interested in country music, influenced by bands like the Mekons, who also had a special approach to country music. FSK played a lot with David Lowery of Camper Van Beethoven and Cracker and recorded in his Studio in Richmond, VA. In the mid-1990s they discoved Techno and House for themselves. Since then they have been recording in Weilheim in Germany which boasts a rich music scene around bands like the Notwist. Their latest album, "First Take Then Shake", was recorded with Detroit House-producer Anthony Shake Shakir.

Lineup (1985+86 Peel Sessions)

*Wilfred Petzi - Trombone/Guitar/Vocals/Percussion
*Thomas Meinecke - Concertina/Guitar/Vocals/Percussion
*Justin Hoffman - Electric Piano/Guitar/Xylophone/Vocals
*Michaela Melian - Bass/Melodica/Vocals


* Stürmer, 1981, Zickzack, ZZ 80
* Magic Moments, 1982, Zickzack, ZZ 155
* Ca C'est Le Blues, 1983, ZickZack, ZZ 2001
* FSK Goes Underground, 1984, Zickzack, ZZ 1789
* Last Orders, 1985, Zickzack, ZZ 1066
* Peel Session, 1987, Strange Fruit Records, SFPMA204
* American Sector, 1987, Ediesta Records, CALC 32
* FSK in Dixieland, 1987, Zickzack, ZZ 1987
* Original Gasman Band, 1989, Zickzack, ZZ 8000
* Son of Kraut, 1990, Sub Up Records, SUBLP 12
* Richmond, 1991
* The Sound Of Music, 1993
* Bei Alfred, 1995
* International, 1996, Sub Up Records, SUBCD 28
* Tel Aviv, 1998
* X, 2000
* First Take then Shake, 2004
* Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle, 2008


* 2006 - "silver monk time - a tribute to the monks" (29 bands cover the MONKS) [http://www.playloud.org/silvermonktime.html label play loud! productions]

External links

* [http://theperfumedgarden.blogspot.com/search?q=fsk FSK Peel Sessions] from 1985 & 1986
* [http://www.redbullmusicacademy.com/LECTURES.95.0.html?act_session=196 Michaela Melian interview with Red Bull Music Academy]

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