Paraoxypilus sp.

Paraoxypilus sp.

name = "Boxer Bark Mantis"

image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Boxer bark mantis" showing red warning clours
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
superordo = Dictyoptera
ordo = Mantodea
familia = Mantidae
genus = "Paraoxypilus"
species = Sp.
binomial = "Paraoxypilus sp."
binomial_authority =

"Paraoxypilus" is also known as the Boxer Bark Mantis

Boxer bark mantis


Boxer bark mantis only reaching 2-3cm (about 1") as well as nymphs at a tiny size of only 3mm (about 1/8").

This species gets its name from the unusual way it acts like a boxer and it really does look like one too.


"Boxer bark mantids" come in black with hints of grey and white, its size makes it mimic an ant with the "ant" like abdomen and small bumpy thorax.


There are(is) one "Sub" species described:
* Gyromantis kraussi

Sub species

There only one species described at presesnt.


This breed mimics an ant to avoid predators and is the MASTER of camouflage.

Captive breeding and rearing

This species is hard to breed and to raise by the size described at present.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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