Pseudoboa neuwiedii

Pseudoboa neuwiedii

name = Ratonel
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Reptilia
ordo = Squamata
subordo = Serpentes
familia = Colubridae
genus = "Pseudoboa"
species = "P. neuwiedii"
binomial = "Pseudoboa neuwiedii"
binomial_authority = Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854

"Pseudoboa neuwiedii", the Ratonel is a snake found in northern South America and Trinidad and Tobago. Growing to a maximum size of 1 m, this snake is a powerful constrictor which feeds on any animal it can capture and subdue. Individuals have been reported to consume snakes as large as or larger than they themselves are.


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