Swap Spread — 1. The difference between the negotiated and fixed rate of a swap. The spread is determined by characteristics of market supply and creditor worthiness. 2. The difference between the swap rate and the lending rate offered through other investment … Investment dictionary
Swap Spread — The difference between the swap interest rate and the underlying benchmark government bond yield at any given maturity. The swap spread is seen as a barometer of risk appetite, and represents the premium investors exposure to future interest… … Financial and business terms
Swap spread — Ted Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Ted peut faire référence à : Ted, ancienne compagnie aérienne américaine à bas coûts, filiale d United Airlines, Ted, ou Ted spread, en finance,… … Wikipédia en Français
credit default swap spread — USA credit default spread, Also known as a credit default swap spread or a credit spread (or sometimes, simply, the spread). In derivatives, an amount, typically specified in basis points, above LIBOR that a … Law dictionary
spread — n 1 a: the difference between any two prices for similar articles the spread between the list price and the market price of an article b: the difference between the highest and lowest prices of a product or security for a given period c: the… … Law dictionary
Spread — est un mot anglais qui signifie, entre autres, écart. Son utilisation, sur les marchés financiers, sous cette acception, est universelle et très diverse. Sur tous les marchés Bid/Ask, de Bid and Ask spread Calendar spread Expiry spread Sur les… … Wikipédia en Français
swap agreement — (53B) The term swap agreement (A) means (i) any agreement, including the terms and conditions incorporated by reference in such agreement, which is (I) an interest rate swap, option, future, or forward agreement, including a rate floor, rate cap … Glossary of Bankruptcy
Spread de credit — Spread de crédit Le spread de crédit, ou spread tout court, qui vient d un mot anglais qui veut dire écart, désigne l écart de taux actuariel entre une obligation émise par une entreprise, une collectivité territoriale ou un organisme et un… … Wikipédia en Français
Spread — es la diferencia entre el precio de compra y el de venta de un activo financiero. Es una especie de margen que se utiliza para medir la liquidez del mercado. Generalmente márgenes más estrechos representan un nivel de liquidez más alto. En el… … Wikipedia Español
Swap Dealer — An individual who acts as the counterparty in a swap agreement for a fee called a spread. Swap dealers are the market makers for the swap market. The spread represents the difference between the wholesale price for trades and the retail price.… … Investment dictionary