Luca Beltrami

Luca Beltrami

Luca Beltrami (November 13, 1854August 8, 1933) was an Italian architect and architectural historian, known particularly for restoration projects. He was a student of Camillo Boito at the Brera Academy. He is buried at the Cimitero Monumentale di Milano.

He was responsible for the restoration of the Castello Sforzesco.

He was also responsible for the design and construction of the base of the monument to Giuseppe Parini in Milan’s Piazza Cordusio. [An inscription on the pedestal incorrectly identifies Beltrami as the sculptor. The bronze statue was actually the work of Luigi Secchi: see [ Chi era Costui — Scheda di Giuseppe Parini] ]



* citation
first= Claudio
publisher=Università degli Studi di Chieti e Pescara – Facoltà di Architettura
title=Corso di “Teoria e storia del restauro”: Appunti dalle lezioni
chapter=Conservazione e ripristino in Italia nel secondo Ottocento. Il rapporto storia-restauro in Luca Beltrami.
. (Class notes for a course on the theory and history of architectural restoration.)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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