- Model-based testing tools
This page lists tools for
model-based testing in alphabetic order.
* [http://www.all4tec.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=5&Itemid=75&lang=en All4Tec - MaTeLo] is a model-based testing tool and an automatic test generator.
* [http://research.microsoft.com/fse/asml/ AsmL Test Tool] can generate tests directly from an AsmL model
* [http://www.atyoursideconsulting.com/ ATD-Automated Test Designer] is a model-based testing tool that generates automatically test cases, test data and test automation scripts from requirement specifications.
* [http://cs.unibg.it/gargantini/projects/atgt/ ATGT ASM Tests Generation Tool] generates tests from ASM models according to structural, fault, and combinatorial criteria
* [http://autofocus.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/ AutoFocus] (in German) is a graphical tool for developing and modeling distributed systems with integrated testing facilities
* [http://www.razorcat.com/frame_main/produkte/unterpunkte/cte_e.html Classification-Tree Editor for Embedded Systems (CTE/ES)] is a test-design tool based on the [http://ctmemb.googlepages.com/ Classification-Tree Method for Embedded Systems]
* [http://www.conformiq.com/qtronic.php Conformiq Qtronic] is a system requirements model driven automated test design tool which can generated executable test cases in C, Java, Perl, TCL, TTCN-3
* [http://www.osc-es.de/index.php?lang=2&idcat=17 EmbeddedTester] is an automatic test generator and test execution tool for the Matlab/Simulink/TargetLink Environment
* [http://www.osc-es.de/index.php?lang=2&idcat=18 EmbeddedValidator] is a Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow/Targetlink Formal Verification Environment
* [http://www-list.cea.fr/labos/gb/LSL/test/gatel/index.html GATeL] is a tool that automatically generates test sequences from SCADE/Lustre models, according to a user defined test objective
* [http://www.brucker.ch/projects/hol-testgen/ HOL-TestGen] is a test case generation tool based on the interactive theorem prover Isabelle.
* [http://www.key-project.org/ KeY] is a software verification tool for Java that can generate model-based white box tests.
* [http://www.leirios.com/ LEIRIOS Test Designer] is a model-based testing tool based on UML 2 for Enterprise IT applications.
* [http://www.leirios.com/ LEIRIOS Test Generator] is a model-based testing tool dedicated to e-Transaction industry (Smart cards, Hosts, Devices)
* [http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~synchron/index.php?page=lurette/lurette Lurette] is an automated testing tool of reactive programs written in Lustre
* [http://mbt.tigris.org/ mbt.tigris.org] is an open-source model-based testing tool that uses .graphml models to generate test sequence files
* [http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~marku/mbt/modeljunit ModelJUnit] is an open-source model-based testing tool that uses models written as annotated Java classes.
* [http://www.codeplex.com/NModel/ NModel] is an open-source model-based testing and analysis framework for model programs written in C#.
* [http://www.osc-es.de/index.php?lang=2&idcat=22 Rhapsody TestConductor] is a UML™ (Unified Modeling Language) compliant scenario-based test and validation suite for real-time embedded applications
* [http://www.osc-es.de/index.php?lang=2&idcat=23 Rhapsody ATG] automatic test sequences generator tool from Rhapsody UML models
* [http://www.reactive-systems.com/ Reactis Tester] is another model-based testing tool that focuses on control systems
* [http://www.t-vec.com/solutions/simulink.php Simulink Tester] is a tool that translates Simulink and Stateflow model for model analysis and test generation by the T-VEC Vector Generation System
* [http://research.microsoft.com/specexplorer/ Spec Explorer] is a model exploration and test suite generation tool from Microsoft that uses Spec#, C#, or AsmL to describe models
* [http://www.osc-es.de/index.php?lang=2&idcat=21 Statemate ATG] automatic test vectors generator tool from Statemate models
* [http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~async/TGV/index.shtml.en TGV] is a tool for the generation of conformance test suites for protocols
* [http://www.t-vec.com/solutions/ttm.php T-VEC Tabular Modeler] is a tool that supports requirement modeling and test generation through the T-VEC Vector Generation System
* [http://fmt.cs.utwente.nl/tools/torx/introduction.html TorX] is also a prototype testing tool for conformance testing of reactive software
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