Transmedial play

Transmedial play

In transmedia storytelling the viewer/user/player (VUP) transforms the story via his or her own natural cognitive psychological abilities, and enables the Artwork to surpass medium. It is in transmedial play that the ultimate story agency, and decentralized authorship can be realized. Thus the VUP becomes the true producer of the Artwork. The Artist authored transmedia elements act a story guide for the inherently narratological nature of the human mind to become thought, both conscious and subconscious, in the imagination of the VUP. [ [ Stephen Erin Dinehart. Transmedial Play. USC Interactive Media. 2006] ] .

ee also

* transmedia storytelling
* Narratology
* Narrative structure
* Organizational storytelling


*1 [ Stephen Erin Dinehart. Transmedial Play Thesis Paper. USC Interactive Media. 2006]

Related links

* [ Transmedia Storytelling by Henry Jenkins]
* [ Transmedial Play by Stephen Erin Dinehart]

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