Ari David Levie

Ari David Levie

In 2005, Ari David Levie was convicted of taking illegal photographs of a nude 9-year-old girl, and the presence of PGP encryption software on his computer was used as evidence of criminal intent.

Levie appealed the ruling but the Minnesota appeals court ruled 3-0 in favor of the trial-judge's ruling that the presence of such encryption software on a computer may be viewed as evidence of criminal intent.

Further Reading

* State of Minnesota (U.S.), Respondent, vs. Ari David Levie, Appellant. (STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS A04-381) / Filed May 3, 2005: Affirmed in part, reversed and vacated in part, and remanded Randall, Judge; Hennepin County District Court; File No. K2-03-106

Exnternal links

* Declan McCullagh, "Minnesota court takes dim view of encryption", May 24, 2005, CNET, [ Online Article (Accessed 6/2/2008)]
* [ Levie's Appeal]

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