

"Il Cantilena" is the oldest known literary text in the Maltese language. [Harvcoltxt|Friggieri|1994|p=59] It dates from the 15th century (no later than 1485, the death of its author, and probably from the 1470s) but was not found until 1966 or 1968 by Prof. Godfrey Wettinger and Fr. M. Fsadni (OP). The poem is attributed to Pietru Caxaro, and was recorded by Caxaro's nephew, Brandano, in his notarial register (Dec. 1533 -- May 1563).

Although written in Maltese, it was a very early Maltese that had not yet been influenced much by Italian or English, and as such is an example of historical Maltese.


Original orthography

This is the text of the Cantilena in the original orthography:

Xideu il cada ye gireni tale nichadithicum Mensab fil gueri uele nisab fo homorcom Calb mehandihe chakim soltan ui le mule Bir imgamic rimitne betiragin mucsule Fen hayran al garca nenzel fi tirag minzeli Nitla vu nargia ninzil deyem fil bachar il hali. Huakit hi mirammiti lili zimen nibni Mectatilix mihallimin me chitali tafal morchi fen timayt insib il gebel sib tafal morchi vackit hi mirammiti. Huakit by mirammiti Nizlit hi li sisen Mectatilix li mihallimin ma kitatili li gebel fen tumayt insib il gebel sib tafal morchi Huakit thi mirammiti lili zimen nibni Huec ucakit hi mirammiti vargia ibnie biddilihe inte il miken illi yeutihe Min ibidill il miken ibidil i vintura haliex liradi ’al col xibir sura hemme ard bayad v hemme ard seude et hamyra Hactar min hedann heme tred mine tamara.

Modern orthography

Maltese orthography was not standardised until the 20th century; there were many variant spelling conventions in texts written before this time.

In modern orthography, the text would be:

Xidew il-qada, ja ġirieni, talli nħadditkom, Ma nsab fil-weri u la nsab f’għomorkom Qalb m’għandha ħakem, sultan u la mula Bir imgħammiq irmietni, b’turġien muħsula, Fejn ħajran għall-għarqa, ninżel f’taraġ minżeli Nitla’ u nerġa’ ninżel dejjem fil-baħar il-għoli. Waqgħet hi, imrammti, l’ili żmien nibni, Ma ħtatlix mgħallmin, ’mma qatagħli tafal merħi; Fejn tmajt insib il-ġebel, sibt tafal merħi; Waqgħet hi, imrammti. Waqgħet hi, imrammti, niżżlet hi s-sisien, Ma ħtatlix l-imgħallmin, ’mma qatagħli l-ġebel; Fejn tmajt insib il-ġebel, sibt tafal merħi; Waqgħet hi, imrammti, l’ili żmien nibni. U hekk waqgħet hi, imrammti! w erġa’ ibniha! Biddilha inti l-imkien illi jewtiha; Min ibiddel l-imkien ibiddel il-vintura; Għaliex l-iradi għal kull xiber sura: Hemm art bajda, w hemm art sewda u ħamra. Aktar minn hedawn hemm trid minnha tmarra.

Approximate English translation

Witness my predicament, my friends (neighbours), as I shall relate it to you: never has there been, neither in the past, nor in your lifetime, A [similar] heart, ungoverned, without lord or king (sultan), That threw me down a well, with broken stairs Where, yearning to drown, I descend the steps of my downfall, Climb back up, only to go down again in this sea of woe. It(she) fell, my edifice, [that] which I had been building for so long, It was not the builders’ fault, but (of) the soft clay (that lay beneath); Where I had hoped to find rock, I found loose clay It(she) fell, my building! It(she) fell, my building, its foundations collapsed; It was not the builders’ fault, but the rock gave way, Where I had hoped to find rock, I found loose clay It (she) fell, my edifice, (that) which I had been building for so long, And so, my edifice subsided, and I shall have to build it up again, change the site that caused its downfall Who changes his place, changes his fate! for each (piece of land) has its own shape (features); there is white land and there is black land, and red But above all, you must stay clear of it.


This text contains nearly exclusively Sicilian Arabic morphemes (word-roots).fact|date=July 2008 The only non-Sicilian Arabic word is "vintura" "luck", sometimes translated into English as fate, from Sicilian.

In general, early Maltese texts contain very little non-Siculo-Arabic vocabulary; even in later texts, poetry tends to use more Siculo-Arabic word-stock than general language use.fact|date=July 2008



title=Main Trends in the History of Maltese Literature

External links

* [ Il Cantilena]
* [ Mejju ġie bil-Ward u Zaħar] , the second oldest known document in Maltese (nearly 200 years younger than the Cantilena)

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  • cantilenă — CANTILÉNĂ, cantilene, s.f. 1. Cântec liric sau epic. 2. Melodie gravă, sentimentală, care se execută tărăgănat. – Din it. cantilena, fr. cantilène. Trimis de valeriu, 11.02.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  cantilénă s. f., g. d. art. cantilénei; pl.… …   Dicționar Român

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