- House of Olaf
Olof the Brash
*Gyrd and Gnupa
*Sigtrygg Gnupasson The existence of Gnupa and Sigtrygg is confirmed by the two
Sigtrygg Runestones .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
The existence of Gnupa and Sigtrygg is confirmed by the two
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Olaf the Swede — may refer to: Olof the Brash, Swedish chieftain who conquered Denmark in the late 9th century or early 10th century and founded the House of Olaf Olof Skötkonung, son of Eric the Victorious and Sigrid the Haughty This disambiguation page lists… … Wikipedia
OLAF — Logo Das Europäische Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung, kurz OLAF nach der französischen Bezeichnung Office Européen de Lutte Anti Fraude, ist ein Amt der Europäischen Kommission mit Sitz in Brüssel. Seine Aufgabe ist die Bekämpfung von Betrug,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Olaf I of Denmark — Olaf I Hunger King of Denmark Reign 1086–1095[1] Predecessor … Wikipedia
OLAF — (French acronym for Office Européen de Lutte Anti Fraude ) the European Anti Fraud Office has been charged by the European Union with protecting the financial interests of the European Union: Its tasks are to fight fraud affecting the EU budget,… … Wikipedia
Olaf V de Noruega — Rey de Noruega Reinado 21 de septiembre de 1957 17 de enero de 1991 Coronación 22 de ju … Wikipedia Español
Olaf Martens — (* 30. September 1963 in Halle (Saale)) ist ein deutscher Fotograf. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk 3 Literatur 4 Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Olaf Lee House — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Olaf III of Norway — Olaf III redirects here. It can also refer to Olaf III Guthfrithson of Dublin and to Olof III Skötkonung of Sweden. Also, sometimes Olaf II of Denmark is numbered as III when counting a previous anti king. Olaf Kyrre King of Norway Reign… … Wikipedia
Olaf Swenson — 1915 or earlier Olaf Swenson ( December 16, 1883–August 23, 1938) was a Seattle based fur trader and adventurer active in Siberia and Alaska in the first third of the 20th century. His career intersected with activities of notable explorers of… … Wikipedia
Olaf Magnusson of Norway — Olaf Magnusson (1099–22 December 1115) was king of Norway 1103–1115. He was the son of King Magnus Barefoot and Sigrid, daughter of Sakse of Vik.[1] Olaf became king together with his half brothers Sigurd Jorsalfar and Øystein Magnusson when his… … Wikipedia