

PTAorganization is an organization founded in the year 2000 by the "Joaquin cousins". Its two main bases are currently situated both in the Philippines. Minor bases are found world-wide (Spain, Japan, South Korea, and U.S.A.). PTAorganization it divided to three parts namely: Business Affairs, Resource Affairs, and External Affairs [ ::2008 PTA Organization:: ] ] .

Business Affairs

*PTAsoft - PTA's video game company known for its numerous games in different genres. Headed by: Norman Rabaya, PTAsoft Director
*PTAarts - Another seller-type company responsible for manufacturing various kinds of products from souvenirs to home displays Headed by: Jon Carlo Co, PTAarts Director
*PTAsports - PTA sponsors tournaments like Chess, Taekwondo, Mixed Martial Arts, Basketball, Swimming, etc.

Resource Affairs

*PTAlibrary - Collection of books and other resources. Headed by: Caitlin Gabrielle, PTA head librarian.
*PTAtreasury - The central collection of income. It includes emergency funds, disaster funds, miscellaneous funds, etc. Led by Bea C., PTA head treasurer

Both subdivisions are monitored by Joan Co, PTA auditor.

External Affairs

*PTAexports - a group responsible for distributing PTA products.
*PTAcommunications - PTA's main communication. Uses sophisticated technology developed by PTA [ IOC Aromatics and Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) Complex, Panipat Chemicals Technology ] ] .
*PTA defenses - (W.T.F. and S.O.U.R.C.E.) PTA's primary and secondary defenses. Led by Emmanuel C. and Neo.

"After the previous merge, the following are now included in the External Affairs:"

*Environmental Involvement - It's main goal is to prevent/ resolve environmental dilemmas such as global warming.
*Science, Research and Technology - Merged with PTA Inventions and Innovations.


# [ She is involved in PTAorganization and is an active member.]
# [ PTAorganization sponsors workshops about IEP and. 504 plans.]
# [ TWINCAD3.2]
# [ advanced PTA technology will be used on the 553000tpa production plant. DuPont claims that its technology offers a competitive advantage due to the ...]
# [ PTA Technology promoting renewable energy, rational use of energy, energy saving, clean transport]

External links

* [ PTA Global Website #1]
* [ PTA Global Website #2]
* []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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