Grzegorz Fitelberg

Grzegorz Fitelberg

Grzegorz Fitelberg (18 October 1879, Daugavpils, Latgalia10 June 1953 in Katowice, Poland) was a Polish conductor, violinist and composer. He was a member of the Młoda Polska group, together with artists such as Karol Szymanowski and Ludomir Różycki. In 1908 he conducted in the Warsaw Opera, in 1912 in the Vienna Opera. During the first war he collaborated with Ballets Russes; he conducted the first performance of Mavra of Igor Stravinsky. In 1921-34 he was the chief conductor of the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, excessively promoting new music. In 1935 he organized Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra.

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