- Agujjim
hangul=아구찜 / 아귀찜
rr=agu jjim / agwi jjim
mr=aku tch'im / akwi tch'im"Agujjim" or "agwijjim" (IPA2|aku tɕim or IPAlink|akwi tɕim) is a variety of "
jjim " or Korean steamed dish made with "agwi" (아귀, blackmouth angler) that originated in the city ofMasan ,South Gyeongsang Province .cite news|url=http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2873421 |title=A tasty way to say goodbye to winter |date=March 15, 2007 |publisher=JoongAng Ilbo |language=English |author=Cho Jae-eun |accessdate=2008-05-30] The dish is seasoned withchili pepper powder,doenjang , "ganjang" (soy sauce), mincedgarlic , and choppedscallion s to make it spicy and hot. However, other ingredients such as "mideodeok" (미더덕, "Styela clava "), "kongnamul " (soybean sprouts), and "minari" (미나리,water dropwort ) also play an important role in giving "agujjim" a refreshing and fragrant flavor.cite news|url=http://english.chosun.com/english/contents/magazine/2001/Cuisine200104_1.html |title='Agujjim' or hot and spicy steamed fish (Agu) |publisher=The Chosun Ilbo |language=English |accessdate=2008-05-30]In the traditional
Masan "agujjim", "agwi" dried for 15 days to 30 days is usedcite news|url=http://buk.dailian.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=7802 |title=Agujjim street at Odng-dong, Masan (마산 오동동 아구찜 골목) |publisher=Dailian News|language=Korean |date=2007-02-05 |author=Kim Jihee (김지희)|accessdate=2008-05-30] and then marinated with seasonings, while other regions use fresh "agwi" after its internal organs have been taken out. Until the 1940s, the fish was not eaten and was frequently discarded due to its ugly appearance and low commercial value. However, as fish began to become more scarce in the late 20th century, the newly found delicacy became popular. The fish is an excellent source of protein and a has rich taste as well as a palatable chewy texture, helping its new popularity. Fishermen asked cooks of "seonsuljip" (선술집 cheaptavern for drinking) to make suitable "anju" with "agwi", so "agujjim" was created. [cite news|url=http://myfriday.joins.com/myfriday/article/m_article_view.asp?aid=199760&servcode=3020401 |title=간판도 없지만 맛은 숨길 수 없다|publisher=JoongAng Ilbo |language=Korean |accessdate=2008-05-30 |author=Lee Taek-hui (이택희) |date=2003-04-01] Since then, "agujjim" has been considered a local specialty of Masan, especially aroundOdong-dong , one of the neighborhoods there and is favored by the public nationwide.cite magazine|url=http://www.donga.com/docs/magazine/weekly_donga/news279/wd279pp030.html |title=The poet, Song Su-kwon's food adventure : Agujjim of Odng-dong, Masan (시인 송수권의 풍류 맛기행 | 마산 오동동 아구찜) |publisher=Dong-a Ilbo |language=Korean |accessdate=2008-05-30 |author=Song Su-kwon |issue=279 |date=2001-04-12]In addition, Seoul has two famous "agujjim" streets, in
Sinsa-dong and theJongno district. The dish is one of favorite "jjim" dishes that is eaten with a bowl of cooked rice. "Agujjim" is also a popular "anju", or dishes associated withalcoholic beverages inSouth Korea and especially good withsoju .ee also
*Korean cuisine References
External links
* [http://english.triptokorea.com/english/viewtopic.php?t=4249&sid=4e40965f1dc3ea908988809095842d15 Agujjim recipe]
*ko [http://www.rgm.co.kr/news/article.html?no=453 Origin of Agujjim] at the RGM
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.