Ramesh Kumar Nibhoria

Ramesh Kumar Nibhoria

Ramesh Nibhoria is an award-winning Punjabi engineer and entrepreneur.

He served many technical companies from floor shop to executive level. At Hi Tech Agro projects , Delhi he was responsible for setting up biomass briquetting plants. He has the credit of establishing 35 entrepreneurs in Biomass briquetting. In the year 1995 he establish his first venture EssAar Energies to manufacture biomass briquettes from agro and forest residues. This project was also having India's first biomass pelletizing plant with the assistance from TIFAC. Due to many reasons his venture failed and he lost all his capital. Then , in the 2000 he conceived, designed and manufactured SANJHA CHULHA, biomass briquette fired community kitchen stove, to replace Liquefied Petroleum Gas. The same was established in the kitchen of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Chandigarh and user saved 50% savings while replacing LPG with biomass briquette cooking. This invention won Petroleum Conservation and Research Association (PCRA) award. Later this project was supported by TePP ( an programme run by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India)( [http://tepp-innovators.blogspot.com/2006/10/tepp-innovator-ramesh-nibhoria.html ] .

He established Nishant Bioenergy Consultancy and Nishant Bioenergy (P) limited [http://www.nishantbioenergy.org ] . His efforts won an Ashden Award in 2005, which was given by Prince Charles. In the year 2006, UN Human Settlement Programme, Kenya http://staging.unchs.org/bestpractices/2006/mainview.asp?BPID=340 judged his project as promising practices. He is also fellow of Global Social Benefiting Incubator( GSBI), 2007 http://www.scu.edu/sts/gsbi/Alumni/2007.cfm . GSBI is run by University of Santa Clara, San Jose, California, USA. in the year 2006 , he was invited to Skoll World Forum, Oxford. He was also invited at Al Gore lecture on Climate Change at Cambridge University. Presently Cook Stoves designed by him are running at 140 places and more than 200 locations will be having this technology by the end of 2008. These carbon neutral stoves are saving around 4000 tons of CO2 and another 3000 tons will be reduced with new installations by the end of 2008.


*cite news |title=Carbon-offsetting: All credit to them |url=http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/carbonoffsetting-all-credit-to-them-430740.html |work=The Independent |date=2007-01-04 |accessdate=2008-06-07
*cite paper |last=Rao |first=A. S. |title=Corporate Innovations: Lessons from India |date=2007-01-10 |id=SSRN|1087953 |accessdate=2008-06-07

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